The End of The Invasion

Start from the beginning

"Wait a minute, why is a B-Class nobody inside the ship? I don't know how you got in there but you should know your place." Tatsumaki says.

"Oh hey Saitama." (y/n) greets him.

"Oh hi." Saitama says.

Saitama then walks off with Genos, who asks Saitama a bunch of questions about Lord Boros.

"Hey!" Tatsumaki says. "Do you really think you can just walk into S class business and then ignore me?! You egghead! Avocado! Baldy-!"

(y/n) quickly puts his hand over Tatsumaki's mouth. "Can you shut up before you get into even more trouble?" (y/n) says.

"Mmph! Grmmph!" Tatsumaki grumbles.

Before Tatsumaki has a chance to use her telekinetic powers on (y/n), SuperAlloy Darkshine runs over to them.

"We managed to round up a few prisoners." He informs them.

"Oh really?" (y/n) says, releasing his grip from Tatsumaki's mouth.

"You'll pay for that!" Tatsumaki shouts, pointing to (y/n).

(y/n) goes over to Tatsumaki so fast, it looks like he teleported. He grabs her hand, puts about $30 in it. Then speeds off. Before Tatsumaki even had a chance to react.

"H-Hey!" Tatsumaki shouts after him. "That's not what I meant!"

(y/n) arrives at the alien POW location.  The aliens, who were recently just talking about plans on how to escape. Are surprised that (y/n) came out of nowhere.

Sweet Mask, along with Darkshine, also arrive at the scene. Sweet Mask then attempts to dispose of the monsters in one quick move, but (y/n) blocks it. Much to Sweet Mask's and Darkshine's surprise.

"Don't be too hasty now, we still need to gather intel about them." (y/n) says.

"I do not care, if monsters exist, I do not give them mercy." Sweet Mask replies.

"Well how about this, we gather intel from them, then you can kill them." (y/n) suggests. Much to the alien's panic.

Sweet Mask gives it some thought. "Very well." He says, and sits on a cinder block. "Hurry up. I don't have all day."

(y/n) walks over to the panicking aliens. "Listen up. If you tell me all you know, I'll let that guy spare you."

The aliens quickly agree and tell him everything about their journey to earth.

"Alright I'm done!" (y/n) says. "You can kill them now!"

"B-But you said you would spare us!" An alien says in panic.

"You see, I was actually doing an advanced technique called... lying." (y/n) replied.

Sweet Mask quickly dispatches the aliens, leaving nothing but severed limbs and green blood.

"Phew, the janitor is gonna have a hard time cleaning that up." (y/n) says.

"There you are!" Tatsumaki says, finally catching up to (y/n). "I will make you regret every registering into the Hero Association!"

"Calm down, Tatsumaki!" Darkshine says, trying to calm her down.

"I don't need calming!" Tatsumaki says. "His suffering will calm me!"

(y/n) walks over to her, standing in front of her.

"You accepted your fate?" Tatsumaki says. "That makes my job easier."

(y/n) suddenly grabs both of Tatsumaki's hands. He then lifts Tatsumaki up by her hands, leaving her dangling there.

"Hey!" Tatsumaki says. "Let me down!"

Tatsumaki starts flailing around, trying to break free of (y/n)'s grasp.

"You'll regret this soon." Tatsumaki says. "Mark my words."

"Calm down (y/n)." Darkshine says. "I know that you're acting in self defense but if Tatsumaki ever sees you again, she'll kill you!"

"You bet I will!" Tatsumaki says.

Suddenly, Tatsumaki is able to get free from (y/n)'s grasp.

"Aha!" Tatsumaki says in triumph. "Take that (y/n)-"

(y/n) had already fled from the wreckage site, leaving a confused Darkshine and a furious Tatsumaki behind.

Tatsumaki's hate for (y/n) grows by the second. But deep down, she feels another emotion. Something that she hasn't felt in a long time. She looks towards the sunset, and leans against a fallen pillar. Suddenly coming back to her senses, she gives herself a mental slap. Wondering how she could feel such romantic feelings for a complete idiot.

A.N - That's season 1 done! This is also the very first chapter to have over 1000 words! Next chapter will be season 2 of the anime, stay tuned!

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