19 | a very good start

Start from the beginning

Almost two in the morning with a big smile on his face, calling Kim Taehyung; he never even imagined in his wildest dreams that he would be doing this someday but it was reality.

"Dumbfuck, it's two in the morning, what happened? Is everything alright?"

"Come over;" he almost whispered ignoring the question, the older could actually hear that smile plastered on his lips.

"What?" Jeongguk heard him whisper back, the confusion in his voice was so evident.

"Just do it, and also bring your wand with you."

"Jeon Jeongguk, we still aren't on that stage where I can trust you and get to your dorm. No."

"There's always a first time, Tae, so maybe try and it's not like if I had something planned, you wouldn't feel it, your spells are stronger than mine, so you obviously ain't dying-" Jeongguk tried to explain, that stupid grin never leaving his lips.

"Did you just call me by my nickname? Eww, gross. Don't." the older one said, his voice lower than before however his deep voice whispering those words- Jeongguk will probably never admit but, whatever that was; it was so damn


"We are friends now, F R I E N D S."

"In all honesty, this is scary." the younger one laughed at this, looking over at the white ceiling and, a moment full of pin drop silence engulfed them.

"Hey," Taehyung was the one to break it and speak. That tone was so soft and so mushy, tender. Jeongguk seriously wanted to record this conversation but nah it's creepy.


"You're an arsehole."

"Please, I thought you would say something very heartfelt, like really deep but you say this." the blond one informed, a chuckle added afterwards.

"Heartfelt words with you? Please I am doubting you're not even Jeon Jeongguk. Where's that dumbfuck? Please don't tell me you're possessed-"

"Just come over, will ya?"


"I wanted to teach you those healing spells as it's the best time when no one is looking at us." Jeongguk finally said what was in his mind aloud and Taehyung smiled nodding a little, "I will be there."

Jeongguk let the phone fall on th bed beside him as the line on the other side went dead. He didn't know why but he was really excited for this.

This was the first time, Taehyung was going to come here not to start a fight, rather a more of a friendly conversation that was the initial step to something nicer.


He heard those small knocks on the door and immediately recognised that dulcet voice belonging to the other and jolted up from the bed, he quickly took big steps ahead and opened it revealing his very new friend, Kim Taehyung standing with a subtle smile on his face.

He was in a light purple t-shirt that was accompanied by a pair of white and purple striped pajamas which complemented so well. In short, he was looking super cute.

"Oh hi!"

"Hey," Jeongguk shortly greeted back. Not an ideal time to do all these but they were being awkward. Okay, they saw it coming.

"Come in," the blond guy said and Taehyung walked in, looking around the room. Privileged, sure Jeongguk was because no other student in Belfort got their own room and here was Jeongguk getting that.

He had the whole room to himself but well the brunet wasn't jealous of at all because he needed Jimin with him in that room, so yeah whatever, this doesn't bother him one bit.

But unlike them, I mean people with no privacy, some others would love a room all to themselves. Actually, Jimin and Taehyung never learnt what's privacy when they were with each other and they loved it.

"C'mere, sit." Jeongguk said plopping himself on his bed and patted the mattress beside for the older to sit.

"This is just too hard to digest," Taehyung said doing what the other told him to.

They both shared this small chuckle together before their ever known silence engulfed them.

"Okay, now, Jeon Jeongguk, teach me your ways of healing," the older spoke looking over his shoulder while Jeongguk nodded.

"Let's try on my scar first," Jeongguk said and started laughing as he lifted his right sleeve and showed his that thin cut.

"Why the fuck are you laughing?"

"Fun fact : I got this because of you- no, myself. Well technically it was my fault, I wanted to get your notes from your locker and tried a spell to open it and it did but so hard that it hit my elbow," Jeongguk said and the older clearly remembered how his precious notes were stolen.

" So it was you. Please I worked so hard for them and you took them away-" Taehyung mumbled frowning in response, "A good start to our friendship."

"You don't need to be that sarcastic, Tae. It was in the past. I was an arsehole, we know that."

"At least you admitted and that's actually a good start," the brunet said which he genuinely meant and appreciated.

"So, yeah let's focus. The spell is Malalia hummus."

"Uh huh."

"Ease your mind, just clear your head and-" Jeongguk started demonstrating while he took a deep breath before reaching out for Taehyung's hand that was holding onto his wand tightly.

Taehyung could feel the other's palm on his skin as he slowly made his way ahead and finally grabbed his hand. Pulling it up and and then pointing at his scar, he looked into the other's celestial pair of eyes which were already boring into his own ones.

"Just don't overthink and close your eyes if you want, keep your focus on the scar and just when you think it's the right time, say the spell," Jeongguk's voice was extra soft and for the older, it was undeniably attractive.

But he anyways cleared his mind and closed his eyes and with Jeongguk's hand still holding onto his, he cast the spell, "Malalia hummus!"

With that, the scar on Jeongguk's skin disappeared as if it was never there on the first place.

In that brief moment, Taehyung was astonished by the spell.

But Jeongguk was amazed by the other's series of giggles which wasn't any less than a spell itself cause he was enchanted.

AHHHH i updated :')
and pls i am planning on
updating almost daily !

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