Someone beside her snorted. 

She turned to the sound, surprised that someone had understood what she said in her mother tongue. As an additional shock, she had to tilt her head up because the man was so much taller than she was and... one of the most handsome men she had ever come across. "You understood what I said?"

He nodded. "I am Korean," he shared.  Adding, "Be careful. Someone else might hear that and take advantage."

She averted her gaze, embarrassed.

"Paris is a romantic city," the man conceded. "I get how you may feel like  you need to be with someone while you're here."

"Did... you feel the same thing? Or is it different for men?" she found herself asking.

"I felt the same in the first few months," he replied.

Her eyes widened. "You live here?!"

"Not permanently," he said. "But I've been here for awhile. Have you taken a photo of the tower from Trocadero?"

"Where is that?"

"Let me show you," the man said, extending out his hand as an offer.

She reached out, hesitated then pulled her hand back. "You might be a serial killer."

The man smiled but sobered quickly. "Your concern is valid though. There are a lot of strange men around. I'm sorry you have to worry about that."

"Can I... take a photo and send it to a friend of mine just as a precaution?" she suggested. 

The man nodded, "Go ahead. Let me know if I need to give you additional information. But... I have one condition."

She frowned. "What is it?"

"We take a cruise on the Seine and then have dinner after we go to Trocadero?"

Her eyes brightened at the idea, but she was still hesitant. 

"If I turn out to be a horrible date, you'll have a great story to share back home," he said. Holding his hand out again, he asked, "So, what do you say?"


She stared out the window watching the sky and its changing colours as the sun set while she travelled back home. 

It had been the perfect trip, which ended with an unexpected encounter. Bringing her hand to her lips to hide her smile, she could feel herself blushing. Shifting in her seat, she was thankful that there was no one beside her and she had the section to herself. It would be embarrassing to be panting over a man with someone right by her side.

She thought back to that night at the Eiffel.

"So, what do you say?"

She took a chance, placed her hand on his and they were off. Her heart beat rapidly the entire time they walked to Trocadero but she was thankfully appeased when he gave her his details, and always ensured they walked in well lit areas. 

At Trocadero, he showed her certain spots where she could get the best photos of the tower. He even helped her set her camera and offered to take photos of her. Once she was satisfied with the amount of photos she took, he escorted her to where the cruise would start. 

It wasn't a full blown cruise, but more of those water taxi types, but the experience was still so romantic at night as all the city started to light up. "This is beautiful," she commented.

"One of my favorite things," he shared. "When I've had a horrible day, I would hop on one of these and take a quick trip around the river around this time. It instantly lifts my mood."

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