Part Two

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I followed Natasha into a long hallway, this single hallways was bigger than any room I'd ever been in. We walked down for what seemed like days, I took in all of the elaborate artwork covering the walls. I was lead into an elevator, it still seemed longer than a normal trip as we rose through the building.

The doors opened and Natasha waved her arm, telling me to step through. I walked directly into a room which looked like it was made for the sole reason of partying. Tony Stark had quite the reputation and so it was relatively unsurprising.

As I continued into the room I could see the Avenger's and multiple possible agents. I recognized the Avenger's of course. They were all sitting on a large circular couch with their backs turned toward me. I could see Tony Stark/Iron Man, Steve Rodgers/Captain America, Hawkeye/Clint, Thor, and Bruce Banner/The Hulk.

As Natasha started to speak they all turned toward's her and then towards me. "This would be Ada Colins. Nick, thank you for meeting her here instead of the S.H.I.E.L.D. base."

I quickly looked around to try and see which member of the group would respond to her. A man spoke moments after she finished.

He stood up slowly and adjusted his uniform. "You own me one Natasha, you know how difficult it is to arrange these things." Natasha chuckled.

"Youre right." She raised her hands in joking defense.

The man I could assume to be 'Nick' started towards me. As he reached me he pulled out a shaky hand. "Fury, Nick Fury, Director of SHIELD and babysitter of the strange."

I could tell he was joking with the last part but he said it as monotone as he said the first and so it almost seemed as though he wasn't.

Tony Stark turned over his shoulder and responded. "Don't forget who gives you an actual salary   Fury." Stark laughed at his own joke as the others surrounding him looked at Nick to see what he would say in retort. He quickly brushed off the comment, not even paying Stark any mind.

"Well Ms. Ada, how about we find somewhere a little more private to chat." He glanced back at the Avengers huddled together, laughing. He then extended his arm, gesturing to a small side room I hadn't noticed before. I started toward the door, wondering what kind of questions he had in store for me.

I hesitantly sat down at the desk in front of me as Fury took his own seat across from me.

"So, tell me about yourself Ada." He crossed his arms across the table.

"Well, I grew up in the countryside... I have..." I coughed, surprising myself "...I had a mother and sister, my dad left when we were young, I don't know who he is."

"What else? What happened to your family?"

I stayed silent, he knew exactly what had happened, it was the only thing that could have put him onto my existence.

"I think we both already know that one Mr. Fury, and respectfully, I don't think you want me emotional right now."

Fury brought his arms back to his side. "Fair enough."

"So why did you want to talk to me?" I questioned.

"Well, as you know, we have a team of some very powerful individuals, we also have people who can help you try to learn about your powers over at the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, also known as S.H.I.E.L.D."

I rocked back into my seat. "So, what do you want from me?"

Fury leaned foward in order to mirror my movements back. "I want to sign you onto the Avenger's Initiative in return for SHIELD's resources to understand your powers."

"And if I say no?"

"We both know you won't." He smirked at me, as if it was him that could read inside my mind and not the other way around. I let his thoughts sink into my mind.

"She's useful, we need someone with the skill set we saw demonstrated on the CTV footage." The thought ran through his mind, quickly replaced by questions about what I would do.

He reached his arm across the table as soon as I left his mind. I grabbed the outstretched hand and shook it, agreeing to his plan.

He leaned back again. "Now of course we won't be able to start putting you on missions with the team immediately, we need you to get a hold of those powers of yours first. Luckily, I have some acquaintances who are pretty well versed in the strange. We'll set you up with them as soon as possible."

I wanted to ask him what would happen if I wasn't able to control my powers. Would SHIELD use that small room I was put in as my cell? Would they be too afraid to even allow me there? I didn't want that question answered, the avengers and their associates were well known for doing what was most convenient for themselves.

As Fury stood he turned to address me again. "And Ms. Ada, I know you could have done a lot more damage if you had wanted to, thank you for letting my best agents come home. I see the good in you, and If I see it, I guarantee everyone else will too."

I stepped out after him, walking back towards the Avenger's gathered on the sofa. Bruce was the first to turn towards me. He waved slightly, he seemed relatively shy. He stood out in the group of people. Everyone else was too involved in their conversations with the others to notice me and Nick had exited the room. They spoke about things such as missions, dates, and even the Battle of New York. When that topic approached, I watched as Tony retreated to the bar.

Not wanting to approach the entire group at once, I followed Tony up to the large bar. He quickly walked around the side to grab himself the strongest thing he had before he had noticed me. He picked up the bottle, nudging it towards me as I pushed it back towards him.

"Want some?"

"Can't, brains still developing." He chuckled as I flicked my own forehead.

"Didn't seem to stop me from becoming a genius." He chuckled again, amused by his own joke.

He poured a single glass of whisky, it looked old. He downed it as if he had just poured a glass of water.

"That battle..." he drifted off his train of thought. "... it was hard for me, never been the same since." He poured another glass as he shook his head side to side.

"Yeah, I've got similar demons." I threw a small frown towards him.

"In this line of work, even when you don't intend it, we all get them eventually, just part of defending, you can't defend yourself."

"True." I crossed my hands over the bar. "you just gotta do the best you can."

Memories ran wild in my mind. I hadn't ever really thought about how the Avenger's had dealt with the emotional trauma of the battle. Truth be told I thought they just didn't have any. It was evident that it affected all of them differently, most of them still participated in the conversation, Thor even joking about his brothers previous actions, but like Tony, some of them didn't want to talk about it, scared their mind would bring them right back to that moment where their lives were in the most danger they had been in up to that point.


word count: 1,252

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