"Well if you hear anything else..."

Platt's frown was tense, "You got it."

He moved for the stairs when he was interrupted. "Detective Dawson." The commander stood in her office doorway, regarding him expectantly, "A word."


Antonio took the seat across from her, keenly aware that Platt's gaze had tracked every step he had made into this office.

"Did you need something, Commander?"

Emma Crowley's gaze passed over him once, assessing. She knew full well the rocky way Antonio had come to work under Hank Voight, and he had always been the uncertain link in that unit's errant chain.

"We have a case against Voight, Detective. Witness statement's, a detective's report. I'm sure you've heard something of this by now."

Antonio nodded enough to admit that rumours were flying everywhere, and he may have heard a few.

"We have enough to suspend, obviously. But I don't want to push for arrest until what we have is solid."

Antonio spread his hands. "How do I come in?"

Crowley set back in her seat, "We need motive. I know they argued, but we need more than that. You work with the man. Have you seen anything, professionally or personally, to indicate why he would go after Eric Watts?"

He went to deny it, when one face filled his mind.


Eric was here to take away the woman Voight loved. It was as basic a motive as it could get.

Antonio cleared his throat.


Voight poured a drink, let it sit in his hand, looking at him. He hadn't actually thought it would get this far.

The glass clanked as he set it on the side table. He reached for a folder on the children's case. Read without taking anything in before dropping the folder with a scoff.

Eric Watts had finally given a statement. What was supposed to take the wind out of Crowley's pursuit and get them all back focused on the job at hand, had somehow been the cincher she needed to suspend him.

What the hell could Eric have said?

It worried him. It worried him because the truth wouldn't have done it. Eric had lied.

Voight wasn't a stranger to less than upfront reports. Conveniently worded statements that left the truth just a little in the background. He was aware of the grey area that they sometimes had to operate in. And to be frank he did it well.

Sometimes people made mistakes, or criminals learned to reside in between the letters of the law. Sometimes steps had to be taken and sometimes lies had to be told.

For his team. For the job. For the safety of the people in it.

But for as much as he didn't know about Eric, one thing was painfully clear. The man lied to benefit himself.

Voight didn't know what had gone down in that alley. Eric was the only one who knew the truth and he was content to put the blame on Voight. It shouldn't surprise him. Self preservation fueled the crime that filled his streets. But they were supposed to be above that. They were supposed to be working against that.

Once she took that job in Miami, Lana would be working for that. For a man that got his own back at the expense of others. That messed with Lana's life here just to convince her to move back home. Lana should never have to be in that position, with a leader who wouldn't have her back. She couldn't work for a man like that.

What I Need- a Hank Voight Chicago PD fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now