Kai got a long well with BTS as well as Sungwoon and Ravi so there wasn't much to worry about. He felt his phone vibrate and he looked at the text Taemin had sent in their group chat.


'@Jimin, by the way, your members will be joining us. It'll just be Kai and Sungwoon with us, the rest of the squad weren't allowed to go. See you tomorrow buddy.'

'Excited!!!" Sungwoon replied. He'd been going through a group separation so he wasn't on his best mood.

';) ' Kai replied.

'See you tomorrow then!' Jimin texted back.


Jimin looked up from his phone with a smile. "Taemin just told me the news, I guess he just forgot." He said with a laugh. With that they all went back to watching the guide. Though they had gone camping before, it was usually with the staff. They'd asked to go alone this time, to actually feel like they were on vacation.

Namjoon clapped and stood up form one of the couches. "Alright! Enough for today, we're leaving at dawn so get some rest now."

They all did as told by their leader. Taehyung went inside Jimin and Hoseok's room and laid with his best friend until he felt sleepy enough to go to his own room. "Goodnight Jiminie." He said as he gave his friend a hug.

"Nighty night Hobi hyung." He went over to Hoseok to give him a hug.

"Good night Tae." Hoseok replied before the younger slipped out of the room.

"Are you excited?" Hobi asked.

It's not like Jimin wasn't excited, it's just that his nerves overpowered his excitement. "I am."

"You don't sound so convinced." Hoseok could read Jimin like a book, he was his roommate friend after all.

"I am, I promise." Jimin answered, and gave him his brightest smile. With that both boys calmed down and hoseok turned off the light before both fell into a deep slumber.


They all woke up at four to make sure everything was actually ready. Jimin was up in record time as he helped out in the kitchen with the preparation of breakfast and snack packing. In no time they were making their way out the door. Jimin was struggling with his bag to say the least. He was a big packer, so he put more things than necessary in his bag and was assigned as the snack carrier. Jin was struggling with a ramen bag as well as his own bag, and Namjoon was the one carrying the bag with the breakfast. The rest of the members only carried their belongings. Jungkook and Yoongi had their camera bags with them in case the found something interesting to take pictures of. Hoseok had the bluetooth speakers in another bag, so the one who had it the easiest was Taehyung who only carried his own bag.

"How many snacks did we put in here Jin hyung?" Jimin groaned. He was about to let go of the bag altogether when he felt the weight being taken off his hand. He looked up to see Jungkook carrying the snacks bag for him. He'd given Taehyung his camera bag just so he could help Jimin out. Jimin held him back and stood on his tip toes to whisper, "what are you doing, you're supposed to help him not me. Give me the bag, I can do it." Jungkook shook his head and began to run down the hall towards the van they'd rented for the weekend. Jimin yelled after him but it was too late, the boys had already arrived. Jungkook was chuckling in the back seat and he stuck his tongue out at Jimin.

Hurts To Love - JIKOOK short storyWhere stories live. Discover now