I m so proud of you part 3

Start from the beginning

S- well as you know we were given our first cases and betty being betty took case of trash bag killer

J- yeah I know that

S- so when the mission started is was going well but after week we didn't got response from her and we found out that she has been working on plan but risky one which included her being near him to lure him into his trap so she was captive there for a week

S- and after we found her she finally got him

J- so you are saying that she got a serial killer alone after being captive by him

S- yeah she was first one to finish her mission

J- oh my god did she got hurt

S- not too much and I m pretty sure she will be ok she is strong

J- I know she really is

S- this a bit awkward meeting isn't it

J- maybe a bit so how long have you been working with her

S- ever since our training started as tranees in fbi

Nu- for betty cooper

J- yeah

Nu- follow me this way sir

then she let me into her room and I saw betty just there with a lot of tubes and ivs connected even though she was unconsiouess she still looked so beautiful

Nu- she can listen and it might help too

J- oh god betts I cant believe this is happening you were supposed to come back to me and be with me here telling me that everything will be ok when I am panicking about my book launch you are supposed to be with me cuddling in our small apartment telling me how you want to spent one of those lazy days we are supposed to go to meet everyone at Christmas I cant live without you betts

then I left her room and then remembered that I also have to inform alice my dad and our friends


its almost morning and I haven't left the hospital and I dont think I will be leaving till betty wakes up Bettys friend left a few hours ago alice and my dad said they will be here as soon as possible

while I was lost in my thoughts I heard a voice

AL- jughead

J- mrs cooper

AL- where is she what happened to her

then I explained everything to her

AL- oh my god

J- its all my fault if I haven't asked her to come back so quickly and given her time

AL- jughead listen to me even if you would have asked her to take time she still would have wanted to surprised you and you know that the plane crashing is not your fault I know my daughter she is strong she will be ok

FP- yeah boy alice is right

FP- boy you look exhausted since when have you been here

J- since last night I was asleep when I got the call

while we were talking we heard veronica

V- room for betty cooper

she was asking nurse

Nu- sorry maam we cant give information to anyone

J- veronica

V- oh my god jughead what happened

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