Chapter 2: 🔥"Arson Guy"🔥

Start from the beginning

"B-Back off! Or I-I will f-fvcking scream!" I said cursing to myself for stuttering

'Make that 5' I thought again looking at the floor then back to the 4 men

"Wouldn't be the first time I made a female/male/non-binary human scream" The man with greenhorns said as he smirked at me playfully

"Wha-?" I said and looked at him in confusion not knowing what he meant

"Leif! Hold your tongue!" The demon with dark blue horns said as I finally understood what the other demon meant and blushed bright red

"You know what I meant!" He said defending himself

I guess his name is Leif then...

"I-I thought I dreamed you guys up!?" I said in a paranoid tone

"Y/p saw us in her sleep?" The ginger-haired demon said quite impressed

"Y/p must have the ability to foresee us coming! Humans in this world are powerful" The demon with dark blue horns stated

"WHAT THE FVCK ARE YOU GUYS TALKING ABOUT?!" I screamed at them as I looked at them anger consuming me

"Please, we mean you no harm" He said as he put his weapon back to where- I don't wanna know!

"I thought we meant 'all' the harm" The other guy said beside him looking at each other

The man with dark blue horns whispered something yet regained his composure and spoke

"Please, we just need help and-" He was then cut off by me who was struggling to keep my questions to myself

"I SAW YOU DO MAGIC POWERS-STUFF! ARE YOU..! THE DEVILS SERVANTS!?" I said as I pointed the frying pan to all of them

"The devil?" Leif said in a questioning tone and looked confused

"She means a demon" The smarty-pants answered "Ohh" Leif said as he knew what you now meant

"Hear me out, we come with peaceful intent to-" As he was trying to explain their situation he was cut off.. again..

'Poor guy can't even finish his sentence's, wait.. Now I feel bad! No Y/n! They came in your house with no permission so that's breaking in!' I thought and took deep breathes

"I've uncovered it.." Someone said, probably another demon

I rolled my eyes at that thought getting frustrated knowing that there are 5 DEMONS in the apartment!


I looked around to find that voice or echo?

Then a man came out of my room... Great! What is he gonna do? Pull out my underwear and tell me I'm some MaGiCaL sOrCeRer?

"The source of y/p power..!" The demon with jet-black hair said

"Oh-" I said as I remembered he was THAT guy, they looked at me strangely from my response

"You're that 'arson' guy-.. Demon... Thing" I said as I looked at him with an unamused face

"Did this human just call me a thing!?" The demon spoke with anger

"What's arson?" The demon with ginger hair spoke and tilted his head as if he was just a lost little puppy

"I- What are you doing with a bunch of demons? You look like an absolute angel you LITTLE FRICKIN CINNAMON ROLL....!" I said under my breath wanting to drag this poor boy away from the bad influence these other demons have.

A/N: I had to cut it short since.... STOOPID👏FVCKING👏 HOMEWORK👏IS👏 ANNOYING👏AS FV-

I really can't keep my composure when I'm writing😃

I really can't keep my composure when I'm writing😃

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Found it on Pinterest🤣🤣🤣

Word count: 1160

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