...Chapter Eight...

Start from the beginning

After that you had took it off and a guard escorted you back to your office, D/N waiting there and doing work with Clef being his annoying self, you not even bothering to question it and putting the guitar away while doing your share of work. Sometimes talking to Clef and D/N too stay entertained but mostly listening to music while working, Clef continuing to bother D/N since apparently the man didn't have shit to do, not all that surprising really. I mean he could be training new recruits but that wasn't happening so there are either no new ones or they just weren't being trained at the moment.

Kingu Crimson!

"Great, now that it's night the man should be here soon." You muttered, laying on the brand new couch and waiting with Crunchyroll on for some mcfuckin JoJo, but eventually growing bored and deciding to get some food since you may or may not have forgotten earlier. Returning with the snacks (and drinks) only to find Bright laying on the floor, currently in the kinda pose of "Draw me like on of your French Girls", you questioning it greatly before stepping on him to walk over to the couch and place the drinks on the table. "Awww~, come on why'd you step on me?" Bright asked, you looking at him like he was a fucking idiot before stating the obvious which was the man laying in the middle of the fucking floor. "Understandable." Bright said, no longer on the floor yet still in pain from you stepping on him, oh and also had a rock hard Co-

Anyways Bright sat down next to you, him looking at the screen and smiling at you. "Mmmm, you got good taste Y/N." He commented, you smiling in response. "Hehe, thanks Bright." You said, before immediately remembering about le blankets so you had gotten up and retrieved some blankets from your totally secret storage area in your office. "Hey Y/N how'd you get that?" He asked before having a blanket thrown onto his face, you proceeding to tell him that for when you had to work overnight on paperwork because you were too lazy to finish it earlier, so for that you'd have Blankets and Pillows ready and instore for when that happened. "Ah I see Y/N, but since you are hiding it I may just have to report this." Bright said while leaning in closer to your face and smirking, you of course being flustered before thinking of a genius idea.

"Well Bright, if you do so happen to I may have to report to the 05's about when you fucked SCP-1471 while in Site-■ during a containment breach." You threatened while smirking back, Bright also becoming flustered but paniking at the same time. "Huh!? You saw that!?" He asked, you nodding in response for you did see it and so desperately hoped to rid it of your mind permanently, but atleast you now knew you can always use it as Blackmail. "Yup I did, now if you agree not to tell anyone of this I won't tell anyone about your incident with my boi Mal0." You said, Bright nodding in response out of fear of what the 05's would do, but more importantly of you telling them. "Great to know Bright, also you got a nice big ass cock." You commented, Bright becoming even more flustered at the compliment towards his pp.

"How do you know it's big?" He asked, you saying that you caught a glimpse of it when he was having possible Gae Shrex with Mal0 since no one really know's Mal0's gender could be, for all we know Mal0 could be a fucking Attack Helicopter, Twitter please don't cancel me that was a joke. "Alright, now I'll let you choose the episode." You said while handing Bright the remote, you already finished every released episode of the series so you let Bright choose. The two of you proceeding to watch JoJo part 3 since the man was currently on that part, the two of you watching in obviously subtitles since the hell kind of Heathen watches it subbed? (A/N: If you do watch it dubbed, then I still like you you're pog :D)

Around the episode with le Oingo Boingo Brother's ending you proceeded to fall asleep since it was whatever the frick time it was, honestly neither of you know, you coincidentally falling asleep on Bright's lap cause Author likes to make your life hell or heaven depending on how you view on it. Bright looking away from the Oingo Boingo Brother's ending to find you alseep on his lap and causing the man to smile softly, to him your actions were frickin adorable like SCP-999, but not nearly as adorable. "Goodnight Y/N." He whispered before turning off the TV and preparing to sleep himself, repositioning the two of you to both be comfortable and being extra careful not to wake you up by accident or on purpose.

"Goodnight my darling." He whispered before finally falling asleep himself.

...End of Chapter...

A/N: Hey bois sorry I haven't posted in the last few days, kind of lost motivation there for the time being but I'm back and am ready to write for all you lovely beauties. Now have a wonderful Night/Day/Morning/Afternoon/Evening and I will see y'all next time.

SCP's mentioned in this Chapter:

- SCP-053 "Young Girl"
Written By: Dr. Gears

- SCP-387 "Living Lego"
Written By: Archfeared

- SCP-1471 "Mal0 ver.1.0.0"
Written By: LurkD

- SCP-999 "Tickle Monster"
Written By: ProfSnider

Word Count: 1645

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