“You became a deranged psycho and I married a Goddess.” Blade said, not with the intent to rub salt in the wound, but to see that an immortal like his brother found someone that genuinely loves him and Grim could also have that chance.

"Yeah, I ruined my life. So what?" Grim cried.

"Yeah, you did!" Blade went to comfort his estranged brother.

“You think a hug is gonna pull my heartstrings? Nice try bro. I'm not going down without a fight.” Grim backed away like a vampire fled from the sunlight. “I'm going to make her pay! Oh, I'm so ready for this, I'm coming for you Mathdias, so you had better be—” Grim stood his ground before a zesty effervescent beverage came into view, “Wait! Is that a Cröstnack?” A random bystander was watching as he sipped the beverage out of a straw.

How did an insignificant mortal get a hold of a beverage native to the Shadow Realm.

“You! Where'd you get that?”

The bystander slurped, then responded; “on one of the stalls over there.” The stranger pointed to a decorative stand with a sign with neon green lights glowing CRÖSTNACK SHACK parodying the monster logo as fog came out of the stand. Nothing screams Shadow Realm like a dark fog as Grim disappeared in a puff of smoke and surprised the poor man that was selling it.

The bicephalic twin dragon's arrived to the stadium and Claw was already ecstatic to enter and fight. “We're near and we're here!”

Saw surveyed the entrance.

“I'm ready to make some minced meat outta them.” Claw said as she brandished her rows of teeth before she chomped the air to emphasize her hunger for battle.

Samoht already sat on a retractable chair near the entryway, snoring. Claw lowered her long neck, her maw only inches away when she snorted smoke on the snoozing receptionist. It only took nearly a minute to cough himself awake.

“Dammit Vilma! Quit smokin' I'm tryna sleep here.” Sam grumbled as swatted the smoke away before he felt something hard and scaly. As he opened his blue eyes, he got scared by the sight of Claw that he shrieked and fell backwards from the retractable chair.

“Talk about a warm welcome,” Claw commented distatefully, “You'd think that the service would've improved by now.”

The back of Sam's head slammed against the floor, releasing a yelp.

“You scared the living daylights out of him.” Saw critiqued while the receptionist stood up rubbing the back of his head, groaning while picked up the retractable chair.

“I can't help being myself.” Claw remarked, “It's the impression I make when they see me.” Saw couldn't argue with that, she was intimidating to see. Her bloody crimson eyes, nigh impenetrable fiery scales and rows of sharp, bone-crushing teeth screamed Dangerous Infernal Dragon in a 50 mile radius but the myopic old turtle complimented her eyes and talonesque lashes. To Saw's bewilderment, the centenial old turtle suceeded in wooing Claw. The couple being complete polar opposites with Claw being the loud, outgoing, untamed and spunky hellion that she is while the old turtle being wise, simplistic and humble with his own sense of humor.

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