"The pull strength is crazy." I say. 

I see Roman eating over there and Ramsey closes her laptop and holds onto it. Tej turns up the magnet and it snatches Roman's fork and bits of food away from him, making Ramsey, Tej and myself laugh. 

"What are you doing bruh? I'm hungry." Roman says. 

"Hey Guys, surprise." Letty says, walking into the base with Mia and two other guests.

"Nice clubhouse." The man says. 

Tej goes up to his man and gives him a hug, Wait, no way...

The other all go up to him and give him a hug. 

"So you got my postcard, huh?" He says to Dom who embraces him in a hug.

We all sit around and Roman says, "I'm still trying to figure out, how are you still alive?" 

"Well, after Giselle died, I didn't know what to do I was aimless, lost, fuming." Han says. 

"Can you get to the part where your car exploded and your still alive?" Roman asks. 

"Roman, can you just be quit for one minute."

"We made plans, dreams. Well it's funny, Giselle lead me there, and I wasn't even looking for it, then we came home, then one day Mr. Nobody came calling." Han says, "All I knew is that I had to steal some tech from a home of the scientist couple. But as usual, Mr. Nobody didn't tell me anything, in fact he left out the most important part." He looks at Elle. 

"I was 11, my parents would take me to the movies on Saturdays if I tried hard in school during the week. I was so excited to go I forgot my raincoat. So I went back in. At first I didn't see it, but when I looked out the window..." She pauses, her eyes teary, "Mum and dad were gone."

"Turns out I wasn't the only one looking for this thing." Han says.

"Han saved me, he wouldn't leave me behind." Elle says, "he knew I'd always be a target, so, he taught me how to survive. We became a family."

"Always gets hard." Tej says, "Why?"

"Because she is the key." I say. "We've all been looking for a thing, it was a person all along." 

"My parents didn't want Project Aries to fall into the wrong hands, so they locked it with their own DNA, something we share." Elle explains.

"The one day, Mr. Nobody gave me the heads up that one of his best agents went rouge."

"But you got killed in a car crash Han." Roman says. 

"Mr. Nobody had a way of making things look real." Han says, "My death."

"Became the best way to stay alive." Elle finishes.

I stand up and go upstairs to find my jacket when the alarm starts blaring I stand up and soldiers start to pile into the room. I watch everything unfold from the top. 

"That's right, it's here." Otto says, I look at him and he sees me, "Yeah, nobody moves, everyone lives."

Jakob comes out of his cell and Otto walks to the back of the building. 

"Jakob." Mia says. 

"Sorry Mia." Jakob replies. "I was the rouge agent. Me. Dom do you ever think of how Mr. Nobody found you? Think he just dropped out of the sky and chose you? I ran mission with Mr. Nobody in this place for years." Jakob looks at Elle, "I've been looking for that key for a lone time though. And you just handed it over. I told you. This is my world."

I look over to Otto who came back with the other half of Aries and Jakob walks over to him, "Got it." Otto hands it over to Jakob. 

"Got a lot of guys here, you trust them?" Dom says. 

"I trust this." Jakob responds, holding up the half of project Aries. "The only good thing to come from Dad dying, if he hadn't I would have spend my entire life in your shadow. And now, you're gonna spend the rest of your living in mine."

"Only good thing about Dad dying, is he didn't have to watch what you became." Dom says. "You never deserved the Toretto name."

Jakob starts yelling at Dom about how the thought he knew their Dad, "The girl comes with me." Jakob pauses and looks around, "Where's Y/n?" 

They all look around, confused as to where I went, I know for a fact Otto saw me but he doesn't say anything.

"Otto, where'd she go?" Jakob asks. 

"She ran away when I crashed, I don't know where she is." Otto says. "She must be here somewhere."

I peak my head out and look at Otto, he looks back up and me and smiles. I look at Letty who saw Otto and I's interaction and she tells me to go and hide. I shake my head and I put my hand on my gun, good thing Dom gave me another one once I got back. I look back at Letty and she shakes her head. I look at Ramsey and she looks at me, 'Go hide!' are the words she mouthed to me. 

I pull my gun out and load it, everyone hears and starts to look for me, Otto stands there and shakes his head. I come out from my spot and look at Jakob.

"Y/n, why don't you stop playing hide and seek and come with us." Jakob says. 

"You can't do this." 

"Y/N!" Dom shouts, "Go run! Hide don't do this!" 

I look at Dom and say, "It's my time Dom." I hold up my gun to Jakob. 

"Put the gun down Y/n. Your either coming with me or you're dying right here right now." Jakob says taking a gun from a nearby soldier he points it to me. 

"Jakob!" Otto shouts, "That's a bit-"

"What? Much? A bit much?" Jakob says, "Pull your head in."

"Jakob, you're making a lot of problems right now." I say to him. 

"Am I?" He asks, "The only problem I see is this stupid crew!" 

I hear a gun shot and I shut my eyes I feel someone push my body down and the crew screaming my name. There's no pain, only the slightest amount. I must be dead right now. I open my eyes and see Otto standing up, "Jakob! She has nothing to do with this whole mission!"

Ramsey runs up to me and helps me up. I look at Jakob and Otto. 

"Take the other girl, not Y/n." Jakob says, "Otto, you need to pull your head in if you want to continue this whole deal." 

"You were about to harm, let alone kill an innocent woman, I can't let you."

"It's not just that Otto, it's not just because she's innocent, it's something else as well, don't think that I don't know you." Jakob replies.

The soldiers take Elle and Hans tries to fight back when Sue points a gun at him. 

"Sue, Sue. Come on." Otto says. He looks back at me and sighs.

Ramsey turns up the magnets and we run away running to the entrance I don't notice that Dom doesn't come with us. Letty is also not here. 

Once we run and lure the soldiers out of the base we go back in and continue u=our work. Dom almost drowned and Letty saved him. I'm so glad he's alright. 

Aries | Otto x Reader (Fast and Furious 9)Where stories live. Discover now