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Hey! I see you've come across my campaign! 

What is this campaign?

This is ProjectAutistic. Our goal is to increase empowering autistic representation in media, and to amplify autistic voices within the writing community.

How can I help?

You can show your support in several ways! Here are a few ways to get involved:

1. Follow this account for updates.

2. Comment below, and I'll add you to a list of our supporters, which I'll post in this book.

3. Add #ProjectAutistic to your bio if you support our movement.

4. If your book features an autistic main character, add #ProjectAutistic to the tags! You can also add our sticker to the cover, which I will be posting in this book as well.

5. If you know of books with good autistic representation, message me so I can add them to our reading list! 

6. Write autistic characters! Read about autistic characters! Listen to autistic people! Educate yourself! Burn Autism Speaks to the ground! Fight for a more inclusive future! Have fun! Be you!

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