Chapter 17: Fighting to Breath

Start from the beginning

Plans change and now they needed to force the truth out of Rage on the location of Izuku Midoriya or search the entire building inch by inch until they found him but that would take a long time and couldn't really be done until the enemies were defeated. As they were pushing forward through the villains they heard a large scream of rage coming from the back of the building which drew their attention. Located in the back yard was none other than Rage who was fighting against all of the heroes that were trying to stop him as he was breaking through their ranks quite easily due to the fierce strength that he had. Though it seems their arrival drew his attention as he screamed out and charged towards them which they countered as they knew not many of the other heroes on site would be strong enough to take him on in a pure straight on fight.

As this fight was going on and destroying nearly everything around them including portions of the compound, we shift back down to the cold and damp room where Izuku was hanging currently. All of the fighting and shaking due to the fights caused Izuku to wake up as he ended up falling to the floor since the ceiling above him had cracked heavily due to the destruction above him. Izuku groaned out in pain from his fall to the floor and looked around as he knew he was still stuck unless he could break the chains that were attached to the floor or if he failed at getting the quirk-cuffs off of his arms. First he tried to just pull the chains that were attached to the floor to break them and of course this was a stupid idea but he was also low on blood and heavily exhausted since he wasn't fed or anything over the past few days. As his mind became more and more clear he knew he would need help to get these chains and cuffs off of him so he just started to yell out in hopes of someone would come save him even if it was someone from the Corona family. The reason he was willing to get help from even them is the fact that he could try to buy his life by offering healing services to Rage since the destruction from the fight appeared to be massive as the room looked ready to fall in at any moment. That was a problem for many reasons like him being in the room still but also the fact that this room was 3 floors underground so the compound had to receive a large amount of damage for this room to be falling apart.

With this in mind that meant that there had to be a large amount of injured above so he could try to bargain for his life and heal himself and others which could be the only chance he could get to try to escape. Izuku wasn't dumb in the thought that he would be kept alive after he healed everyone since he knew Rage would kill him off right away with the Pulse bomb since Rage knew Izuku wouldn't be nice and loyal after the beating he had received over the past few days. Luckily for Izuku it seems that fate is smiling slightly on him as the door was thrown open and it wasn't a member of the Corona crime family that was standing there but instead a hero that he knew belonged to Ozy's fathers agency! "Well... hello there?" Izuku said as he slightly shrugged but the hero was silent and Izuku had a good idea it was due to the state of his body and how he looked

Izuku knew he didn't look like good and who would after days of being beaten and starved? However, that wasn't the important thing to focuses on right now as Izuku wanted to live and the fact that the hero was standing in the doorway meant that the raid on the compound was being done by the heroes. "Help me get out of these chains and quirk-cuffs. I need to heal myself and I should be able to give the heroes an advantage." Izuku said and the hero broke out of his shock and got to work on the cuffs and chains. Though he did say that the objective was to get Izuku to safety so he wasn't going to allow him to go right into danger but Izuku rolled his eyes as he knew he was going straight into danger as he wouldn't let any of the heroes be crippled due to helping him. Call him a child full of arrogance or whatever you may but Izuku knew that even if he tried to leave he was still a dead man as long as Rage or any of the executives were given any breathing room to trigger the bomb in his chest. There was also the fact that he was going to performed the one thing he swore to do in his heart and that was kill Rage even if he were to die today because that man needed to pay for everything he had done to him!

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