The game is on

We quickly land and head into bunker, thankfully nobody landed with us. Once where all inside me and the Dr trap up the place. I search around a bit and find a Mozambique and a gray evo but as i pick it up i hear octane "Blue evo sheild over here". "dibs!" i say running over to grab it. once it's mine i continue to look around the place for some more loot. While im searching i find a r-301 with a few light amo next to it not to mention the insane amounts of sheild cells i found! After continued search, i head to the other end of bunker where Caustic has already placed some traps. I follow behind his footsteps and loot the unopened crates overthere too.

Nothing much was in the crates but a bit of light amo and some other guns that i did not find particularly interesting. Once i'm done looting in there i hear Caustic yell from inside the bunker "We are being attacked by two different squads!" His words stun me but run in to see Octane and Caustic fighting them off. I quickly run into the room they are in too and peak out to shoot. I knock down my favorite Marvin and finish him off with a few shots to the head. Poor Pathfinder.. I continue to shoot till i hear Octane yell "Whole squad taken down, amigos!" As i hear him say this i turn around and see no tavi, where did he go.??

I walk up the bunker stairs and see him looting there boxes and i run over and do the same. "Bien joué Octane, finning off the squad." I say turning my head to look at him. "Thanks chica! don't forget to take note" He says pointing a finger gun at me. I giggle slightly and continued looting.


After a while of walking and waiting for a fight to appear we find are squad sitting in a house looking out the broken glass windows. I don't remember this place like this.. Well i guess it has been a minute since i have been here and things change. I look over at Caustic who seems to be holding a peace keeper while looking out the other window while Octane is looking out the open door. "Damn i hate waiting! can't we just catch to next ring and kill the people there?!" He says complaining. The question was definitely directed toward the Dr but he was not paying much mind. So i decided to chime in "Well Tavi i- We! would like to win this match, so going out calling a lot of attention is not a good idea. Sorry." I say turning my head from him back to the window. i could hear him grunt but i did not care.

While looking i see a squad in the distance it seems to be Gibby.. Wraith.. and uh.. Before i could think who else was on there team they where already gone. I sigh and notice that where not in the next ring. "We need to get moving, Allons-y!" I say walking out the door cautiously "Right behind ya!" He say placing down a jump pad and quickly getting closer to zone. Caustic follows and as do i.

We land by a house that seems to have already been traveled through, with open doors and crates. I look around a bit but sleet to find no body so i place down a few fences just in case! I then look out the window of the room i'm in to see the Dr emptying out his bag to make sure he didn't have anything he didn't need. I think to myself and agree with his plan that's probably a good idea so i start digging around..

"Shotgun shells.."

"Sniper stock.."

"Thing of mints.."

As i kept looking i realized how much stuff i didn't need! when would shotgun shells even be helpful for my flatline and 4-301!? "This is no good.." i wisper to myself as a throw out this junk but keep the mints, maybe one of my squad mates want some? I look around and see Octane jumping around looking down stuff in a nearby house so i walk over.

I'm greeted by a friendly little octane who is looting upstairs, so i walk up to see him. "Bonjour Octy! Would you like a mint?" I ask offering one to him. "Oh hell yeahs amiga!!" He said running up to me and waiting for me to pull one out. I open up the container, take out two and hand one to the speedster. "Gracias" He states towards me as he quickly pulls down his mask, and placing the mint into his mouth. "N-Non problem" I reply a small layer of blush on my face.

Octane goes to pull up his mask once more but pauses when he sees me out the corner of his eye, he could tell i was blushing. He smirked to slightly and grabbed my chin bringing me closer to him.

"Something wrong bonita?" He asks looking into my eyes through his goggles making me blush even more. Gosh, i could feel my legs get weaker every second.! But we where interrupted by the Dr. He seemed mad.

"Mrs. Paquette." He says looking at octavio in a very mean way. I looked up at my friend who was also looking towards Nox. I got the message and pulled away from Octane. As headed towards the stairs i put my hand on Caustics shoulder. "Dr, you don't need to be mean." "..."
I walked down the stairs and waited for them to work everything out.

Dude- like- it's so weird seeing this ship again because my writing is really different now. This is so bad istg.. sorry for making this story💀✌️

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