Studying ❤️Satan x Reader❤️

Start from the beginning

You turned around in your chair and stood up only to see someone standing at your door.

"Holy--" you almost fell back into your seat.

Satan laughed, "We're still not holy, I don't know why you keep saying things like that."

"Are we just going to ignore the fact you stood there for who knows how long? That's creepy."

"Long enough to offer you help with your homework. You sighed exactly 47 times in the last," he checked his watch, probably for dramatic effect, "hour and a half." You stared at him, not saying a word. "And by offer I mean I will help whether you like it or not."

"There it is," you muttered under your breath. In a louder voice, you said, "I've been doing just fine since I got here, I'm sure I'll keep managing."

"Not when Diavolo is requiring you to keep full grades and not the modified exchange student grades." His response was quick and final. The kind that was supposed to leave you speechless. Spoiler: it didn't.

"He did what?! And he told you and not the exchange students? I don't care what was going through his brain--" you cut off whatever Satan was about to say, "--how did he expect me of all people to pass?" Satan thankfully stayed quiet through your rant about how a sorcerer and two angels, all who've lived way longer than you, could pass, but not a human who could barely read.

That last comment broke out without you fully comprehending it. You clapped a hand over your mouth, already mentally beating yourself up.

"Please let me help you, even a little. That's the second time you mentioned something about not being great at reading." You hung your head. It was one thing if someone like Mammon or Beel found out, since they wouldn't have the chance to be smart about it. Not that they could understand what was wrong, but they couldn't have the perspective of reading a lot for fun, like Lucifer, or in this case, Satan.

You weighed your options, either you could really fail your classes instead of scraping by, or you could ask for help from Satan.

"I have rules." Satan nodded and invited himself all the way into your room. "No telling anyone about this, no making fun of me, and no asking questions."

"Of course, but just know I would never make fun of you for something like that. That's... brutal. Even for me."

A small smile relaxed your face, "Thank you."

"Let's see if you can answer the 7 questions you left blank by dinner."

"Did you count everything?"

"To be honest I was standing there for a while..." a blush tinted his ears.


"Hey, you shouldn't call your tutor a creep."

"Okay new rule, no watching me from the doorway, that gets creepier everytime I think about it."

Satan laughed and grabbed an extra seat to sit next to you, "Now, how were you doing this before?" You explained that you matched the words from the questions to the book and the answer choices weren't so hard to read. Everything was guessing, but very educated guessing.

He moved closer to you, his knees touching yours, as he started pointing out the main words you needed to know. After a second of that, you pointed out you needed more help with figuring out which words were English and which weren't.

"Oh that's so much easier to figure out." He pointed out and wrote down which letter combinations only appeared in non-English words, like riu, ae, and tm. "Tonight we're going to focus on how you can guess better, to tide you over until I can actually teach you."

The goal for answering the questions you skipped was easier than you thought, since you knew the answers once they were said out loud. Writing the answers took some finessing, since everything you wrote down you needed to understand.

"If I point out the words as I read them, do you think you could write your own answers?" If there was one thing you could do it was copy down things you saw.

"Explain how the grand war between the imps and cherubs (before the Celestial War) was different then the localised war between the imps, succubi, and incubi besides the participants." Now that you knew what cherubs, participants, and localised meant, that question was a piece of cake.

It only took twenty minutes of brain work before all the questions were answered. "Do you want me to look over the questions you guessed on before?"

"Nope, those I'm going to go over myself because someone's going to ask questions if my grade goes from failing to 100% in a night." You leaned back and rested your feet on the desk, a satisfied sigh ending your sentence.

Satan nodded and looked over at you, a fond look on his face.

"What's that look for?"

"Thank you. For letting me help you." You stared at him blankly, confusion written all over your face. "Yes, you'll say it should be you saying thank you, but still. You would have gotten who knows how many lectures from Lucifer if I hadn't done anything. Or, even worse, you could've asked Mammon to help you." A disgusted look washed over his face and you couldn't help but to laugh.

"Even I know he's not the person to ask for history homework. His grade is worse than mine sometimes." Speak of the devil, your door flew open with the loud-mouthed demon yelling about dinner.

"I'm going, I'm going, calm down." Right before you left your room you shared a small smile with Satan, trying to tell him thank you. You hoped he could read more than words.

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