T W E N T Y - F I V E

Start from the beginning

I walked down the sidewalk that many people walked on also.

Some took glances at me, some minded their own business... It's normal though, because I also failed to mention that I'm a feline hybrid, well a half feline hybrid, I have the ears and tail, along with my father's eyes.

My black tail swished as I walked. My black ears stood tall.. alot of people say that they admire how I carried myself, and those who knows my parents say that I had got it from them.

I'm also still thinking about that man I slept with.. I just hope he left.

I soon arrived at the tall building, and, by the way, I work as a assistant, same as my mother but we work at different buildings and for different people.

I went to the receptionists desk and she heard my footsteps because she looked up at me.

"Oh hi! May I ask who you are?" The receptionist asked with a wide grin which made me slightly smile.

"I'm Dani, I'm the new assistant here." I said and she nodded.

"Okay, you can follow me and I'll show you to the bosses office, he seems to be running a bit late though so you might have to wait in his office." The receptionist explained as she got up from her chair.

"Okay, that's fine." I smiled as she showed me to the bosses office.

"I'm Tili, by the way." She said and I nodded.

She has this auburn hair, freckles, dark brown eyes, a petite body, and I noticed she had dimples when she smiled. She's also not Korean, I can tell.

She's cute in my opinion.

"It's nice to meet you, Tili." I smiled and she returned that smile.

• • •

"This is the bosses office." Tili stated and I nodded as I read the sign on the door.

Mr. Kim...

I have no idea who that is.

I actually have no idea who this Mr. Kim guy looks like.

"I'm just gonna wish you luck.. don't fall for his looks because it might get you fired.." Tili mumbled and my brows furrowed.

"What do you mean?" I asked and she sighed.

"You'll see, but I'm just gonna say that some of the other employees fell for his looks and had got fired in under two weeks." Tili said before leaving me.


• • •

So this Mr. Kim guy isn't here yet, I'm just waiting in his office.

It's pretty clean..

There's no scattered papers, and there's a couch that's up against the wall on the right while his desk is in the front.

There's all two chairs in front of his desk which is where I'm sitting.

The door soon opened which startled me.

"I didn't expect you to be my assistant..."

That voice is familiar...

I turned around and I saw him...

The one who almost made me late.

The one who I threw a sandal at.

The one who I had sex with..

Oh hell no.


Hello guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

Now.. I've decided this is gonna be a book.

This chapter that you're reading will be Chapter 1 of that book, I will probably add another Pov. though so that it's longer.

It will be a sequel of this book.

So when this book is over, I will be releasing the sequel along with other books.

Now... I want to ask... who do you think the boss is? And who do you think Dani is? Just asking because you won't know for sure until the sequel is out ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ

But anyways, I'll see you in Chapter 26

Bye~ ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯

- Katherine

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