Chapter seventeen

Start from the beginning

"What happened?" She asked Katsuki, worried.

"The attack in USJ. She hit her head against a wall." He explained.

The old lady gasped. "Oh dear."

She began clearing up a bed for you before pointing to Katsuki to lay you there. "You can lay her here."

He carefully laid you down, pushing the hairs out of your face.

This was one of the first times after years that he had seen your face so peaceful.
You still had that little smile on your face that you gave him when you woke up.

"Aren't you going to leave, dear?" Recovery girl asked him.

He shook his head. "No."

The lady smiled while trying to heal your wounds.

That's when she asked him something that he wasn't ready to answer. "Is she someone special to you?"

He couldn't answer that because he didn't know if he felt that way.

You and him always had a special bond. Not by being friends or craving to be the best but by your differences. He would always dream about becoming the number one hero and surpassing All Might while you would never dream of anything but surpassing him.

That goal drove you to match his character more and more. With each day that passed by you started to act like him, no it wasn't him. It was something more cruel, more emotionless.

You stopped smiling at his stupid jokes. You started fighting with everyone that didn't fulfill your goal. You started pushing everyone away and most importantly you started pushing him away.

The only way he could think of to protect his own feelings was by attacking yours.

So he did it in the cruelest way you could think of. He left and started hating you.

But That's what you wanted, right?
For him to leave and hate you?

In his eyes you were the one that pushed him away. In your eyes it was the complete opposite and both of you didn't even realize it.

He sighed. "How long before she wakes up?"

The lady shrugged. "Could be an hour or more."

Katsuki nodded but didn't move an inch. He stayed by your side, playing some games on his phone.

After three hours, recovery girl spoke again. "You should go home, your parents must be worried."

He chuckled in a low tone. "No they aren't."

And you would know that. He still remembers the days where you and he would talk about the problems at home, even after you two began to treat each other like that. If there was something wrong at home you two would search for each other.

"I will have to call your parents if you stay here."

He scoffed. "Don't bother, I already did."

"Alright, that's good." The lady nodded.

Hours flew by and you still hadn't woken up.
Katsuki stayed awake until you woke up.


(Your pov)

You opened your eyes, seeing a white light above you.

Would this be it?
No, you can still breathe.

Your eyes started getting used to the light as you looked around.

A hand was holding your arm tightly. You followed it until your eyes reached the person from who it was.

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