About an hour later after Freya went to talk to Keelin we found her crying on her bed. I bought deep-fried glory just in case and I was right. Rebekah and I both gave her a huge bear hug. I felt kind of awkward. Hayley was usually the sympathetic one. "You were right about talking to Keelin. But now I guess the wedding's off," Freya said. "What happened," Rebekah asked. "I should have said something before now, but look at our family. How do you tell someone you can't have a child because you're afraid you're gonna hurt it. That you'll find some way to put your needs before theirs because that's what your parents did to you. That you're toxic and broken and a Mikaelson and that's just what we do," Freya said.

"Freya, look at me. We may be damaged but we... you are not doomed to repeat your parents' mistakes. After everything that we have been through none of us would see a child of ours suffer just to ease our own pain. Besides, Freya, you always put your family in front of yourself. I mean, look at Klaus-- Nevermind. You'll break the pattern," I said, nodding with a smile.

"Do you really believe that," She asked. "Yeah, I do."

"And so does Keelin. Which is why you should be talking to her right now," Rebekah said. "And if this child thing doesn't work feel free to take one, any of them, we have five," I added. Freya smiled and hugged us. "Thank--"

I stuffed a beignet in her mouth. "Bye," I waved at her.


"Davina says that the dark magic is destroying Hope from the inside out. It's only a matter of time before it kills her," I heard Rebekah say across the venue. I was doing the theme flowers but Carlos kept changing them back. So I pretended to be dealing with that while listening to them. "So how do we stop it," Klaus asked. "There's nothing we can do," Rebekah said. "How long," Klaus asked. "Weeks. Days.. maybe hours. There's no way to know," Rebekah said.

"Don't tell anyone. Especially not Cameron--"

"May I steal him for a month," I asked Rebekah and she nodded. "Come here. Look. Look," I pulled Klaus. I showed him a picture of my dress and pointed at his face. "You need the thingy to match this color, mkay? Not a color darker or lighter. This color," I told him. He turned on his facade. "You're starting to sound like your sister," Klaus smiled. I snapped in his face. "This color," I told him. He grabbed my hand away from his face instantly.

"Okay," he said, squeezing my hand. "Okay. Heh, you can let go now," I said. I eventually snatched my hand back and walked back to the flowers.


"I'm sure he would be here if he could," Rebekah said, referring to Elijah. "Yeah. Maybe we were expecting too much," Freya said. "If you still need me, I'm here. One swift of my hand and I got a pantsuit," I suggested. Freya nodded but smiled. "Well, it's time. No one deserves this more than you," Rebekah kissed her cheek and left but I stayed upon seeing Klaus.

I left before he could see me. I went to the snack table where I knew I'd find all the boys. Nick was stuffing his face with something while Lucas and Matteo cheered him on. "Mamãe ganso, mamãe ganso," I heard Matteo say in panic as I made my way over there. Nick turned around and almost spit out the food before running with the other two. I stopped all of them with just a wave of my hand.

I glared at Lucas for encouraging such behavior. I picked up Matteo and placed him on my hip making him look like a baby. The other two laughed as I kissed his cheek getting lipstick on it. I smacked Nick right on the back of his head. "If you get anything on that suit you'll spend the summer in the Bayou," I threatened.

I quickly swallowed the food and all the boys simmered down. "Why can't you be more like your sisters," I asked. "Because we're not maricas," Lucas witted. I bucked at him and he jumped. "Okay, okay," he said. "Go. It's about to start," I told them. I kept Matteo on my hip because he just looked so cute.

I went to my spot as a bridesmaid and let him go sit with his sister. The music began to play as Freya, Klaus, and Elijah walked down the aisle.  When they got to the altar Klaus stood next to me and Elijah stood next to Rebekah.

"Dear beloved, now, not to make this about me, but we know how families work. Sometimes it's dinner, and sometimes it's daggers. Now, I don't know why it takes something as special like this to wake us up, to make us aware of the beauty at the moment, during the moment, or to be grateful for what we have, while we have it. No, I, for one, am grateful for today, and I'm grateful for all of you. Keelin, when I first met you, I would have never predicted that you would become my sister. Now, you're strong and beautiful, and deserve nothing but the best in life..."

Kol finished the rest of the vows and whatnot. "Now, by the power vested in me by a Franciscan monk in the 13th century and by the internet a few hours ago, just to be on the safe side, I now pronounce you married. You may both kiss the bride," we all clapped as they kissed. The boys in the back were being a bit too extra with their claps.

By nightfall, we were all dancing and talking under the string lights. Klaus and I danced to our own song. Entranced by one another. Klaus twirled me around so now his hands held mine while crossing my chest. He nuzzled his face into my neck as we moved to our own song. It was relaxing and made me forget how fucked up my life was. Soon we both found ourselves watching Hope.  She seemed very happy dancing with Lucas. Very beautiful in the dress she wouldn't let me pick out. She looked vibrant. Not like somebody who's gonna die, who could die.

Klaus turned and looked at Hope also. I fell on him and we rushed closer. "Is she okay," Klaus asked. "I'm fine. I'm fine. Just too much champagne. Oh, yeah. Speaking of, I would like to make a toast. This had been the best day ever. And you know what? You guys got a thousand years of moments like this one. And being a part of this one really made me feel like I'm part of always and forever, too. So... cheers," Hope said, raising her last glass of champagne.

Everybody said cheers but only three seemed worried. "Hey, Hope. Come dance with me," I grabbed the champagne and set it down. I danced with Hope while reciting a spell in my head. She smiled and it probably felt like a relief as I took some of the magic away from her but not enough for her to notice.

Nick joined the dance as well. The three of us danced together as Klaus watched from a distance.


Klaus had just burst into the room so suddenly. I knew he was just with Hope. He just got into bed and held me without a word. I could feel his tears soak my shirt. I already knew.


1965 words

Changes ~ Klaus Mikaelson **Where stories live. Discover now