"Morning, Lyds. You should've texted, I would've made coffee." At that, Liam gagged and shook his head. "Don't say the C word." 

Stiles chuckled and walked to the kitchen. Lydia frowned. "I'll add that to the list sweetheart. How are you feeling today?" She walked over, gently placing a hand on Liam's head.

She'd always been a mother figure in the pack and I knew Liam appreciated it even more now. 

He sighed out softly, smiling up at her. "Better. The tea definitely helps me sleep. The pup doesn't like it hot though. Likes it better cold."

Lyida hummed in response and kissed his head. "That's good. I'll pick up some more then. Your voice sounds like it's getting better too." She looked over at me then and I nodded. 

He barely spoke for the first few days after and when he did, his voice was scratchy, making him cough a lot.

Deaton said it was a normal reaction to that type of trauma for someone to shut down like he did. We'd all been working with though and he sounded so much better now. 

Liam smiled wider and nodded. "Yeah. It doesn't hurt as much to talk anymore." He turned to me and I pecked his lips before standing up to go help Stiles.

Another improvement was me being able to walk more than three feet away from him. Even a week ago if I had done that, he would have started to panic and grabbed me. 

Now, he seemed fine as long as he could still see me. Which was easy enough most of the time.

Lydia stayed with him and sat down, offering to rub his feet. She really did spoil him, but at this point, we were all highly guilty of that.

Even Derek would jump up, no questions asked to do things for him. 

Stiles looked at me as I put the food on a plate for Liam. "How are the nightmares?" I sighed, pausing to glance over at Liam before speaking softly. "Not as bad. He didn't have one at all last night. That tea Lydia found is a miracle."

Stiles smiled. "That's great. Yeah, Derek made me drink some last night too. Apparently I'm too 'fidgety'" He rolled his eyes as he made air quotes with his fingers, making me laugh.

Even though Lydia was like a mom to Liam, Stiles was even more so. He was frantic and jittery as soon as we brought Liam into the clinic after we found him.

Derek had to hold him back so he didn't go running off after the hunters himself. I knew his nerves were still going crazy. So I completely understand why Derek would do that. 

When Liam started walking towards us with Lydia, I smiled. "Hey, sleepy head. Ready to eat something?" I pointed to the plate I made him and he looked over, eyeing it.

Lydia had made omelets with everything healthy you could imagine. Usually, Liam would have scarfed it down without a second thought, but the face he made told me it didn't look appetizing. 

I frowned. "Hey, it's okay baby. You don't have to eat right now. Or, if you want something else-"

Lydia pushed the plate away. "I'll make you whatever you want." She winked at me before turning to Liam. "What do you want, sweetheart? Just name it. Anything at all." 

He looked at her then back at me, unsure as he moved his hand to his stomach. I frowned more. "Liam, baby you're okay."

I walked around the counter till I was in front of him, gently cupping his cheeks. "Tell me what's wrong. What can I do?" I kept my voice soft and stroked his cheeks, watching his eyes tear up. 

He got overwhelmed easily. Deaton said it could be from the PTSD or the pregnancy hormones or both, but that it was normal and we'd just have to be patient with him and work through it at his pace.

I knew it would take some time and I was horrible at the whole patient thing, but for him I'd do anything. 

Liam shook a little and swallowed, closing his eyes for a moment to compose himself. He grabbed onto me and breathed out slowly. "Stomach hurts. N-no food. Just wanna lay down please?"

When he opened his eyes, he avoided eye contact and I nodded. "Okay, baby. Yeah, you can lay down. Come here." 

I gently picked him up and walked over to the couch, but he shook his head. "No. Bed please. W-want-" He bit his lip and I held him closer to my chest.

"Hey, you can tell me, Liam. Tell me what you need." I was already heading down the hallway to our bedroom. 

He nodded a little and took a deep breath. "Want lamb." He looked away, embarrassed, but I smiled and laid him on the bed.

"Okay, baby. Here." I handed him the stuffed lamb and he clutched it to his chest, relaxing immediately as I pulled the covers over him. "Is that better?" He nodded, closing his eyes. 

I watched him for a moment as I ran my fingers through his hair, listening to his heartbeat as it steadied and his breathing got slow.

When I knew he was asleep, I slowly backed away, making sure he wouldn't wake up in my absence and panic, but he didn't.

I smiled and watched him from the doorway for a moment before going back to the kitchen. 

Lydia looked up at me worried and I sighed, packing the food away to reheat later.

"He's sleeping. He's okay. He is or at least he will be. I know it. He just needs time. He just needs...he needs." I tried my best to smile at her, but my lip quivered and I sighed, resting against the counter top.

My vision started to blur and I didn't realize it was from tears till I hiccuped. 
I split this chapter into two parts just because it was so long haha. Please don't kill me for the cliff hanger...

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