The blonde rolled his eyes. "Oh, of course, you did."

George shrugged. "It builds character."

"That's believable," Dream smiled. He hesitated before saying the next part. "I don't mean to be creepy, but your room smells good. Better than the others at least."

"Uh, okay. Maybe that's a little creepy," the brunette pointed out. "But thank you, I like keeping my room fresh and clean. It's the least I can do."

Dream thinks for a bit. "The other rooms smell like disinfectant and the thick scent of soap, it unsettles me," the blonde shrugged, tapping his finger on his lap. "Then, There's this kid four doors down from you. He has this weird scent thingy called 'Lynx, Africa,' or something. It's some sort of body spray that he keeps threatening me with."

"That's very intriguing of him," George laughed. "How does he threaten you?"

"He says that if I don't play Minecraft with him, he'll spray it in my eyes."


"Exactly," Dream said, "But the patients here are all really nice."

"Except for that boy," George puts on a confused look.

The blonde shrugs, "Mm, I think he's pretty funny."

"You don't make sense sometimes," George says.

"I really don't," Dream pointed out. "So, what's Europe like? I've always wanted to go."

"Gray," the brunette says, "Extremely gray."

"How so?"

They talk like that for a couple of minutes, exchanging past memories and jokes. Both of them laugh all the time, whether if the comment was actually funny or not.

It seems right, and the laughter is kind of the only thing that can fill up space in between them.

George still feels foreign to Dream, but he couldn't really expect much. This was only their second meeting, and it was better than their first.

Dream wondered why George was like that yesterday. It seemed like he was refusing to befriend Dream, even when he was obviously trying his best to get along with him.

Patients normally loved when volunteers visited, it made them feel important and worthy of their time. He didn't know why George didn't like his presence at the start.

But he was sure glad that he was being more open now. The brunette was smiling, laughing, and talking more. Filling up the empty spaces of the room with giggling and light-hearted jokes.

George's face lit up when he smiled, it was indescribable, but it was definitely different than his normal facial expressions. His eyes brightened and seemed to sparkle when he smiled.

Dream thought it was pretty amazing how people can switch up so fast. They'd be cold and quiet one day, and the next day, they're pretty open and talkative. George still wasn't super confident in his talking and Dream still had to ask questions first, but he didn't mind at all. As long as there was an improvement, he was happy.

Their conversation was longer this time, with fewer pauses and stiff silence.

"What time does your shift end?" George asked, folding his bed covers in half so it rested on his feet.

Dream checked his watch, then turned his gaze back up at the brunette. "Uh, I think in twenty minutes or so."

"Oh," George said with a heavy expression. "Do you need to go now?"

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