Oliver Wood expressed to his fellow Quidditch members in the cold changing rooms on the border of the gloomy Quidditch pitch.

"This is our last chance — my last chance — to win the Quidditch cup," he informed them, striding up and down in front of them. He then went on to say that he would be leaving the end of the year, and would never get another chance.

     Rambling about how Gryffindor hasn't won the cup in seven years, and having the most abysmal serendipity in the world, but still somehow, having the most optimal team in the school. Alena smiled, but shrugged her shoulders as to say 'you're not wrong'.

     "We've got three superb Chasers."

     Wood pointed at Angelina Johnson. Katie Bell, and Alena. Alena gave him a wink in response.

     "Two unbeatable Beaters."

"Stop it, Oliver, you're embarrassing us," Fred and George chorused, pretending to blush.

"And we've got a Seeker who's never failed to win us a match!" Wood exclaimed, looking to Harry with a furious pride. "And me," he added, as an afterthought.

"We think you're very good, Oliver," George said.

"Cracking Keeper," Fred added.

"Yes, yes... splendid, darling," Alena smirked.

As Wood went on and on about how the Quidditch Cup should have belonged to Gryffindor for the last two years ever since Alena and Harry were on the team. But it wasn't.

"Oliver, this year is ours," Fred tried to convince him.

"We'll do it, Oliver!" Angelina declared.

"Definitely," Harry confirmed.

The team commenced training sessions three evenings a week. As the temperature was becoming more bitter and dampened, the nights had become gloomy, but no amount of mud, draft, or rainfall could befoul Harry's sensational dream of eventually winning the vast silver cup.

Alena adored Quidditch. Even with her supplementary classes, her sessions with Dumbledore about her abilities and her aptitude. Not to mention, all her assignments for her classes, and now, additional Quidditch practices.

Harry and Alena returned to the Gryffindor common room that evening after training, cold and stiff but pleased with the way they had practiced, to find the common room buzzing excitedly.

"What's everyone all giddy about?" Alena asked Ron and Hermione, who were both sitting in two of the most ideal chairs by the fireplace and finalizing some star charts for Astronomy.

"First Hogsmede weekend," Ron pointed to a notice that had materialized on the battered old noticeboard. "End of October. Halloween."

"Excellent," Fred stated as he followed Harry and Alena through the portrait hole. "I need to visit Zonko's, I'm almost out of Stink Pellets."

Harry hurled himself onto a chair beside Ron, his elevated spirits fading away. Alena could feel him growing more stressed by the day.

"Don't worry, darling," Alena soothed, as she rubbed his arm. "It'll be alright. I'm sure," she gave him a gentle smile which was noticeably returned.

"Black's not a fool enough to try anything in Hogsmeade," Ron remarked. "Ask McGonagall if you both can go, the next one might not be for ages —"

"Ron!" Hermione scolded. "Harry and Lena are supposed to stay in school —"

"They can't be the only third-years left behind," Ron tried to reason. "Ask McGonagall, go on —"

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