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The evening rolled by soon enough, and the two head out to the university courtyard. 

Felix was wearing a white fur beret, matched with a blue sweater and a white skirt. And Hyunjin decided to go with a simple white hoodie, and denim jeans. 

And yet he looks stunning. Felix thought, subtly staring at Hyunjin from the corner of his eye.

The two sat on a bench, waiting for Chan and the rest of them to meet them at the courtyard. Hyunjin was listening to music on his headphones, and Felix was scrolling through his Insta.

A few minutes later, a group of six familiar people made their way to the pair, and Felix stood up, and waved from where he was. He tapped Hyunjin's shoulder, making the older open his eyes and stand up as well.

"Hey, Lix, Hyun." The leader of the gang said, smiling at the two. The pair returned his smile and Chan did a head count, eyebrows furrowing when he spotted only six, including the pair near the bench.

"Where's Innie and Seungmin?" Chan asked, the rest of the group shrugging. 

A yell from behind made them turn their heads, spotting the two missing members make their way through the students gathered here and there around the yard.

"Jeongin got distracted by ice-cream." Seungmin said, noticing the questioning eyes on him. Chan looked at Jeongin for an explanation, for which the younger boy simply shrugged, taking a bite of his ice-cream.

"They looked good." 


"Alright, so everyone's here... Let's go!" The oldest said.

Chan leaded the group out of the university, as they walked through the streets, following the oldest of them.

After walking through a few twists and turns , the group arrived at the amusement park. After paying their entrance fee, the eight of them huddled together as Chan began to sort them out.

"To make sure we don't lose anyone-" Chan started, counting eight heads. "Separate into groups of two, take a partner to your right."

And unfortunately for Felix, the next person to his right was- yup. Hyunjin.

The two looked at each other, groaning when their eyes met.

This ain't fate anymore. Hyunjin thought, cursing in his head.

"WHY-WHY ARE WE ALWAYS-"Alright guys, Have fun! We'll meet up when I send a message in your phones, so keep your notifications on!" Chan said, cutting Felix off and running away with his partner, who happened to be Changbin.

And so, the Hyunlix couple were abandoned by their so-called friends, in the middle of a huge amusement park with crowds of people around them.

"So..." Felix began, kicking a stone on the ground.

Hyunjin glanced at the smaller boy next to him, and then at the park, sighing. He pulled the boy's hand and unconsciously intertwined it with his own.

"So, Let's make the most of the only day we will probably get to enjoy, and have fun!" Hyunjin completed with a smile, dragging the younger boy into the stalls where games were arranged.

Felix had a coat of pink decorating his freckled cheeks, but he smiled back, nodding. 

Let's have fun then...

Let's have fun then

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Word Count: 1056

AN: I know this isn't long, it's kind of the shortest of all my chaps I think- But Part 2 of Amusement park is coming soon! I may or may not update again though, because I have to go out soon, and I might be out the whole day- So, I probably won't have time to update again. I 'll try tho!

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