Experiment Gone Wrong

Start from the beginning

"Hey Machi, what is it you want?" 

"Chrollo has two knew soldiers that want to help our cause, so he wants you to follow all the directions in this folder down to the last period. The boss made it clear he does not want you to mess up, but he has faith in you. And if you know what is good for you, you better make sure it done right got it" 

Akari felt her eyebrow twitch. "I will take care of it just leave it on my desk and you can leave i don't need a burden breathing down my neck while i work." She snaps. 

Machi eyes widen slightly before she scoffs and tossed the folder to the desk walking away annoyed. At least Uvogin was not as annoying. You could get along with him since he was a little dimwitted. He never told her his job, but it does not matter anyhow. 


In truth she truly does not know the full context of what Chrollo did or anything else for that matter she could honestly say she was still in the dark and did not know what happened to them. So, in one part she was surprised that sha has two people to take care of. 

She saved her files on the computer grabbing the file and reading it over. She saw the two was named Illumi Zoldyck 24-year-old male soldier with an honorable discharge and another named Hisoka Morow a 27-year-old male who also had an honorable discharge. Illumi was a Major General and Hisoka was Lieutenant General both knew each other well and worked together on various missions.


As she read, she also saw they also had their fair share of trauma which made her sigh softly wishing she can help them. Why would they want to go back after serving since Illumi was 18 and Hisoka 21? This was very odd to her. 


Akari enters the room they were both staying in. Akari felt something off but decided to ignore it just focusing on what she needed to do. It had a glass shelf with files and books. A lab table with everything someone would need to work and the typical computer desk.  

Above the mini lab table, a shelf mounted to the wall that had needles, gloves, test tubes of all sizes, a manual tablet pressing machine. Beside the computer desk was three refrigerators, one for human blood samples, the second for the chemicals created and the last one would be animal blood samples. This was amazing to Akari like a dream come true. 

"You like it?" Chrollo said amused startling Akari as she turned around to look at him. 

"Yes sir" she nods slowly "what is all this?" She asked softly. Looking down. Chrollo smirks now "your new office because i want you to keep the two soldiers’ company as well as keep working on those requests i sent you in the email." 

She bows slightly "yes sir it will be done."  

"Also, the checklist in that file make sure you give them the exact dose before you leave, they need it at night so it can work better since they are asleep. Once you’re done you can go back to your resting quarters." He said while turning away. 

"You can start fresh tomorrow so for now shift the rest of your things here" he called out leaving towards his office.

𝐻𝑖𝑠𝑜𝑘𝑎 𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑂𝑛𝑒𝑆ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑠Where stories live. Discover now