Chapter 10: Visit

Start from the beginning

"He was being controlled." Her words caught a glance from Bruce, somewhat unimpressed. "It's like... If you were being held personally accountable for everything Hulk does. It's just.. two completely different consciousnesses." She shook her head some. "I will find whoever's behind it," Natasha vowed after a moment of silence between them. "They'll suffer just like our little boy did."

The rest of the drive went by in silence, save for the steady tunes of music coming from the speakers. The redhead perked up once they turned onto the dirt road down to the Barton's farm. Laura could be seen as they approached. In the steady warmth of the day, she had taken all four children outside to play in the low grass. Vinny was sitting opposite Nathaniel while Lila and Cooper played tag. The moment the car stopped, Natasha was unbuckled and out of the car in a flash.

"Look, Vinny," Laura spoke up, directing the infants' attention over to Natasha who did her best to suppress her minor limp on the way over to the small group. "It's mama."

The little redhead turned his head, and the very moment Natasha was in his sight he released a bright, gummy grin. His eyes immediately lit up. "Mama!" If Vinny's new word wasn't enough, he shifted his weight onto his hands and knees and immediately began crawling toward her. 

"That's right!" Natasha praised in her shock, reaching down to scoop the boy up. "You're just so clever." Their embrace was tight, both redheads nuzzling into one another. "You said, mama." She grinned, rubbing his back lightly.

"For the record, that's the first time he's crawled while he's been with us." Laura chuckled, completely amazed. The two older children had paused their game in order to welcome their aunt back. Lila dove right in for a hug, before moving to chase after Cooper once more.

The little family returned rather easily to normal after Natasha's hospital stay. Needless to say, Natasha had increased the armoury she had stashed within her section of the Avengers facility. There were other weapons spread across the building, but seeing as the family frequented the same areas, they were of most importance to equip. 

Both Natasha and Bruce worked on their slight issue when being rather intimate. It took some time for Natasha to be comfortable enough in leaving Vinny overnight again, and plenty of sudden appearances from Hulk before they made any real headway.

"That's him settled for tonight," Bruce announced, shuffling into their bedroom. They had decided to take turns in settling the infant on some nights. Mostly, they would both tuck him in. Natasha flanked him instantly, reaching behind him to close the door. A particular look in her eye that only meant one thing. Her gentle hands moving to his arms, using her hold to guide him back towards the bed only cemented such suspicion in his mind. Her lips meeting his was next to follow. Tender at first, only to develop more and more into a passionate flurry of lips. "Are you sure?" Bruce would part just enough to ask.

"I think we've got it figured out." Natasha nodded, a little breathless in both her building excitement and their clash of lips. Bruce would nod, reigniting their kiss after a brief moment of consideration. He certainly needed to trust himself more in such intimate moments. Especially if they were to progress at all. While Natasha was clear there was no pressure nor expectation to be physical, there was no surprise it was a desire they both shared. 

Falling onto the soft mattress, hands were a flurry in their efforts of undressing one another. Pyjama's thrown in all directions to be hunted down later. A hand gripping the back of Nat's thigh, Bruce hiked them further up the bed to avoid running out of room. His lips would travel to her neck, a particular area he had learned in their many attempts that she rather enjoyed. A soft noise told him just as much. 

So far, he was feeling rather clear. He was in control. It was a promising sign. The redhead's soft whimpers were enough to spur Bruce on further until the pair were mid-rut. Heated bodies flush against one another, hips rocking and grinding in a rhythm they had both developed. Neither could dawn on the fact it had been the furthest they had gotten. That they were finally successful after many, many attempts. Natasha's moans merged easily with Bruce's grunts of both effort and intense pleasure. His stamina was greatly affected by the long length of time without such intimacy. Thrusts become rather short, and relatively quick in the chase for an orgasm for them both. The pair were reduced to struggling sounds of ecstasy along with pants for breath. 

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