Time Travelling and Acting (Chapter 5)

Start from the beginning

Tory's POV:

Can you remind to me how you breathe? Damn, damn. Her touch feels so soft, it's like if I was being caressed by a cotton, her green eyes on mine, and she feels so close, those pink lips, that have a kind of spell in my brain, the spell that is pulling me closer to her... 

No! Don't ever think about that, Tory! She is gonna be your fake, emphasize, FAKE girlfriend. But she will think it's real, and she would like to do things that the couples do, like kissing or going out in dates! Why the hell I didn't thought about that I might need to kiss her? It's not like I don't want to, because trust me I WANT to,  but I feel like I'm using her in the most horrible way possible.

Jade's POV:

I would say that I deserve an Oscar, or something like damn, I'm good. It would be perfect, but that line wasn't in my mental script, or in my plans, that line just went outside my mouth, damn, I never thought I will say something THAT sappy, like, what the hell happened, Jade? You were a badass bitch, now you are a sappy bitch. 

I mean, yeah, I really like Tory, like I want to take her beautiful face and leave kisses around it, but I can't, she doesn't trust me, and it hurts that she thinks that way about me, I mean, she is the one who started the school fight, yes, I know about the reasons of that fight, I watched a lot of videos, saying that Tory had her reasons, but others said that Sam LaRusso was the victim. But not because of that I consider her a criminal or something, and I entered an open dojo to find a fucking phone number, and now I would be sent to Shaw shank...

Oh my god, she has beautiful eyes, it's like a perfect mixture of brown and little hints of green, they are not that visible, but they are, hiding their beauty... Jade! Focus, stop that! You sappy bitch! Stop admiring her!

Third-person POV:

"Ugh, this is the check" the waitress let the paper on the table and walked out of the sweet atmosphere.

"Uhm, good to know," Tory said, pulling apart.

"Yeah" Jade said, scratching the back of her neck, "Let's eat".

They ate everything, with a tension between them.

"So, I'm gonna go and pay" Jade said whispering, with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"Let me help you with the half," Tory suggested.

"Don't worry, today I pay for everything" Jade stood up, going to the cash register.

"Is she upset?" Tory said thinking out loud.

"How the hell, a girl like you, it's with someone like her?" Alice said from behind.

"What do you mean, bitch?" Tory said turning around.

"She is a solid 10, and you, are you" Alice said smirking.

"Well, she likes this" she said pointing to herself, "and not that" she pointed to Alice.

"Yeah? Prove it, bitch" Alice said, "you look like friends, nothing else"

"I have nothing to prove to you," Tory spit.

"So, it's a lie" Alice chuckled "I'm gonna go and get her phone number, see ya" she left and started walking where Jade was.

"You are not" she approached Jade, "hey babe, ready to go?"

"Yeah, love" she nodded.

"Good, let's go," Tory took her by the hand and kissed her cheek.

When they were leaving, Tory turned back and gave the middle finger to Alice, who rolled her eyes.

"You are a great actress, Tory," Jade told her.

"Thanks" Tory simply answered.

"Maybe, one day we will work on something together" Jade said, chuckling, she handed the helmet to Tory.

They got on the motorcycle and Jade started driving.

15 minutes later, they arrived to a familiar place to the Nichols girl. It was the Golf 'n Stuff parking lot, she had memories, fighting people, and pushing someone into breaking an arm. She shivered at the sound replaying in her head.

"What's wrong, Nicky?" the green-eyed girl asked while getting of the Harley.

"Nothing, it's that I came here a long time ago, and I did something kinda wrong"

"You have nothing to worry about" she took her hand, "you came with me now, follow my lead" she said, looking at her in the eyes, and helping her to get off.

"Thanks, Jade" she said, squeezing the other's hand and letting go of it.

"Come on, Nicky. We are going to have fun," Jade said, pulling up her hood.

"Why you always use a hood?" Tory asked.

"It's for not being recognized that easily, it could turn into a mess sometimes," Jade said, chuckling.

"Yeah, I read about that" Tory said, "and a lot of other things".

"You were stalking me, baby girl?" Jade whispered in Tory's ear.

"No! I was doing research!" Tory said, turning into a blushing mess.

"If you say so" Jade chuckled, and took Tory's hand, leading her into the building.

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