The waves were huge and they were crashing over the ships walls. Rain had started coming down too. No one knew why they started, but Father and Harry seemed to know about them starting. Hayes, you have to calm down! Father begged grabbing my shoulder. I jerked away from him keeping my arms crossed. Hayes! Please! You knew about her having another child that she just left?!? Father looked down and then glanced up at me. And Harry knew and didn't tell me. We were going to tell you when you were older! I got Angier. No you should have told me! Father if this is how she is reacting to not knowing about him, then I think you need to tell her now! Tell me what?!? I snapped looking at Harry. Hayes you have magic I've been dropping hints like crazy! I what?

I had been playing for quite some time, I didn't know anything about the Piano but somehow I was doing it. Like second nature. Hey! I looked up and saw the preforming arts teacher. Sorry I just- what's your name? She asked, I stood up. Daenerys Turner. How old are you? Nine. Well Daenerys, you've got yourself a place here in the preforming arts class. Really? Yes. Really.

I stood there shocked for a moment, the waves died down but then picked back up. How does he know but I don't?!? Father stood there and looked down and back up. I locked my jaw the waves got bigger one washed over the top of the deck knocking everyone over. When the water cleared everyone was coughing. The only one who hadn't been knocked over was me. Father her hands! Just like that day, like I told you! He looked at Harry and back at me. Hayes, I'm sorry. I frowned some. If you stop now, I promise I will tell you everything, but you have to stop. I took a deep breath in and held a hand up, everything just stopped. The rain the wind the waves went back to normal. I lowered my hand and I looked up at father, before feeling tired.

I went running up to Henry's house and knocked. The door opened and Regina frowned but then smiled. I got a flicker of her, like I did the one day, she looked evil. Dani. I blinked and got my smile back. We were just about to sit down and have supper, would you like to join us? S-sure. I walked in and Henry smiled. Dani! Hi. I said as I sat down as Regina grabbed another bowl. We're having Tortellini soup, I hope that's fine. I nodded and Henry frowned some. What happened to you after school? I uh walked around. I said and smirked and then smiled as I poked a noodle. I actually got into an after school program. Oh? Regina asked looking up. Which one? Music. Oh how exciting, what are you doing with it? Piano. She gave a force smile and I frowned some. That's cool, didn't know you could play. Neither did I. I muttered  before my phone buzzed. Sorry. I muttered looking at it. I sent the text to Emma saying I was fine that I was with Henry and I put the phone face down on the table. Emma, making sure I didn't have an attack. Understandable, you had all of us worried.

I sat on my bed and father sighed. Why did you lie? I asked as he sat down. The boy, was with his father there was no safe way to get- no about me having magic. He took my hand. When you were born, some strange things happened, we were told you had powerful magic, magic that over time- he stopped biting his lip. Your mother forbade me of speaking of it, she refused to let you know about your magic. Why? Magic destroyed her in more than one way, and she could not face it another time. Until that day. He sighed. It had just been easier to say nothing, to write off the strange occurrences that have happened. He frowned. But I knew after what Harry said about the ropes and sails from that day, there wasn't much time left for writing off.

I stopped playing and I heard clapping. Emma? Hey kid, I had time so I came to pick you up from school, your teacher said you guys had finished a couple of minutes ago and you were still here. I grabbed my backpack and came down the stairs. You want Granny's? I frowned some and she sighed. We haven't done anything nice recently and I thought you'd want to do something. I smirked and nodded. Yeah, I do.

Alright kid so how's school? I smirked and sighed. Good I got into the music program. Yeah, why didn't you say anything? Well when I got into a program, some people used to pressure me to the breaking point, and I'd ditch. Art. Emma said and I nodded and I sighed. I didn't want that to happen again. Well it won't, honestly I might just encourage you to do more after school programs. I smirked and kept drawing some. So what're you drawing now? Nothing. She frowned some. Right I forgot a note Henry gave me for you, and said it was top secret. I took it and opened it.

Your tree house is still standing.

Thanks. I said happy as I had wondered about it but hadn't had a chance to go look for myself.


I jolted awake sitting up on the couch, it was raining. I looked over and saw Mary Margaret standing there but she had long hair and was wearing this nightgown she was standing by the stairs. Mary Margaret? She didn't acknowledge me. Mary Margaret? She looked at me, and I stood up. What's going on? She looked at me seriously and it was like she glitches and she was just there in front of me. It's time to wake up Hayes. A flash of lightning lit the room

I shot up when it thundered and I looked around breathing hard. I grabbed my glasses and stuck them on and frowned as it was seriously blurry. Something was wrong.

I think that finding happiness within yourself is the only way to be truly free.
-Hayes Jones

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