𝚂𝚒𝚡𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗|| 𝙼𝚊𝚍𝙼𝚊𝚡

Start from the beginning

      "What the hell are you doing?" Nancy asked, now suddenly in the doorway. Mike looked at her in panic.

      "I'll pay you back!" Mike told her. He turned back to the coins and grabbed all the change he dumped out, stuffing them in his pockets. "Bye!" He yelled then ran out of the room.

      "Mike!" Nancy yelled as he went down the stairs. She followed him, "Mike! Get back here!" She yelled chasing after him. The two ran past the kitchen.

      "Hey. No running in the house." Their dad said as they passed, not really taking control to stop it.

      "What is going on?" Mrs. Wheeler called out to them, but neither kid Responded. Mike got to the garage and got to his bike, running down the driveway while holding his bike.

      "Mike!" Nancy yelled to Mike, following him down the driveway. "Mike!" She yelled again, Mike got onto his bike and pedaled off. Nancy stopped at the end of the driveway and groaned, "Asshole!"

      The three boys met up on the street, and biked their way to the arcade, talking about their stash for the night. They got to the arcade and parked their bikes in the bike racks. They turned their heads to the sound of a car honk.

      "Hey!" The boys said in unison, waving to the car with smiles.

      "Okay. So, I'll pick you both up in two hours." Joyce said turning to Will and (Y/n), "That's 9:00 on the dot, okay?"

      "Okay." Will nodded, eager to get out of the car.

      "If anything happens, to either of you, if you need to come home, just ask them to use their phone and call home. Okay?" Joyce asked, stopping Will and (Y/n) from getting out of the car. (Y/n) was looking out the window to the arcade, she'd never been inside it before, so she was quite excited. "Don't-"

      "Don't walk or bike home." Will finished for his mom, somewhat impatiently, "I know." Will then turned to the car door, making Joyce place her hand on his arm.

      "Okay, but, sweetie-"

      "Mom, we have to go." Will told her. (Y/n) had her hand on the door handle, waiting for the cue for them to go.

      "Have fun." Joyce smiled to them. Will nodded and got out of the car. (Y/n) smiled to Joyce then left the car, joining Will. They jogged up to the arcade.

      "To slay the dragon, use the magic sword." Princess Daphne said on the screen. Princess Daphne was a blonde haired girl that for the game Dragon's Lair. The four were crowded around Dustin who was playing the game.

      "Oh, Jesus! I'm in unchartered territory here, guys." Dustin said uneasily to them, still playing.

      "Down! Down! Down!" The other boys said to Dustin. (Y/n) was just watching the graphics in awe.

      "I'm going! I'm going!" Dustin yelled. Dustin was moving the knob like crazy, the others were talking over each other, telling Dustin what to do.

      "Okay. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up!" Dustin yelled pressing the buttons, trying to focus on the game. They all went silent when the character Dustin was playing as was struck by a yellow lightning like blast. The character crossed his arms and turned into a skeleton, collapsing.

Sweet Ophelia [Dustin Henderson X Reader] [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now