Chapter Two - Damon

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Elena -------> just put her there because I can.


We all have to admit that some of these TVD characters have annoying traits. 

I started off with Elena and now it's Damon.

Damon has some annoying characteristics which are in association with Elena. Always Elena.

Like in Season 1  Episode 22 (Yeah that's right I remember the episode)

Jeremy was pissed at Elena for not telling him about the existence of vampires. AND then Damon gives himself the right to butt in.

He threatens Jeremy. THREATENS. I tell you.

What has Jeremy ever done to Damon? Sweet Jeremy.

And he also likes butting in when either Bonnie or Caroline are not talking to Elena. And guess what he does. He THREATENS them too. He must stop. He shouldn't be involved in this girl drama. It's between Bonnie, Caroline and Elena.

He also paints this perfect image of Elena. And how she's never wrong or anything like that.

"Damon," I call, "The rest of the world is angry at Elena. Doesn't that show you that she's not perfect. Huh?"

His infatuation with Elena in Season 1 & 2 is a little too much to handle. And when Elena is involved he doesn't think straight. 

I think Damon should take a break from these Doppelgangers. Honestly.

And in Season 4 when Elena confesses her hidden and forbidden love for Damon, to be honest if I was Damon, I would've cussed the bitch out. I would've rejected her the way she rejected me. Oops, I mean Damon. Make her feel what Damon felt. I personally think that being romantically involved with Elena is a waste of time.

I mean look at her track record:

Her non-existent Kindergarten boyfriend -  DUMPED


Stefan - DUMPED

Damon - One day these roses will stop coming  (The Bachelor. If you know what I mean)

Personally all Petrova Doppelgangers should be killed. The world would be a better place (TVD land of course). And TVD fans wouldn't be so tempted to throw laptops and pillows at their TVs.



Haven't updated in a  long time. School and all. And I've been busy talking to my crush. YAY! FIESTA TIME!

Yeah. So. I've been conversing with my crush. It's been really nice

Talk to your crushes too.

See you next week. Maybe.

Xx abrafluxx

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