Ain't no party like the after party...

Start from the beginning

"I mean we all want you'll go have kids so..."

"You have a girlfriend don't you?" Itachi asked suspiciously.

"No I don't." Neji answered emotionlessly.

"Yeah well you got that assistant...Taylor? What was it? I'm sure that was her name?" Itachi said as Neji narrowed his eyes.

"Yeah why don't you'll have kids or something?..."

"What?! How could you suggest that...she's my assistant!"

"Exactly the details of what exactly she assisted you with is yet to be specified."

"Oh fine I will stop picking on you about that stupid book."

"Good!" Itachi said smirking like a kid who just won some candy as Neji laughed nudging him.

At some point Kitana walked out of the wedding hall carrying two bouquets as she handed one to Y/N and the other to Naruto.

"Here you two go!" She said as she passed it to them.

"Thank you!" Y/N and Naruto said with a smile.

Sasuke eyes the small single black rose as Naruto noticed smiling as he pulled out the de-thorned rose placing it behind Sasuke's ear as his breath hitched.

"It looks cooler on you than in the bouquet." Naruto said nervously as Sasuke did something completely unexpected, he cupped Naruto's cheek giving him a small kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you." He spoke fighting the blood rushing to his face as Naruto felt like he was going to faint.

"U-Um y-yeah same t-to you too...I-I mean you're u-um welcome Sa-Sa-Sasuke." He stumbled along his words as Sasuke just chuckled walking away as Naruto tried to catch his breath.

Sasuke's POV

"What the hell? What got into me? Why the hell did I do that?" I asked myself angrily as my cheeks were furiously red. "My body just acted on its own, but he said I was...He can't possibly like me like that?! No way! He probably likes that pink haired girl from school..." I thought sadly as I bumped into someone.

"H-Hello..." Who is she? I've never seen her before?

"Do I know you?"


"Then why are you-" Getting cut off as she shouted.

"I-I'll help you!" She clenched her fists shutting her eyes as she did so. But what was she even talking about?

"Help me for what?"

"Y-You like h-him r-right?"

"Who the blonde?"


"Who are you, you still didn't tell me your name?"

"H-Hinata...Hinata H-Hyuga..."

"Okay...I'm Sasuke Uchiha..."


"So why do you want to help me?"

"I-I saw how you two are together s-so I want to help you'll t-to be together..." She said fiddling with her thumbs.

"That's fine I guess...Whatever." I said walking away before I realised she was wasn't following. "You coming or not?"


"So what school do you go to?"

"T-The Konoha Academy."

"Heh! I never noticed."

Author's POV

The party didn't last much longer as everyone was pretty tired from the long day with the exception of the married couple who were just excited to be married.

"You two there is a surprise we would like you two to see." Kitana said smiling at them both.

"What could you possibly have now?" Itachi asked curiously.

"You'll see..." Kitana said pulling the two of them along the pathway. It suddenly lit up making it much easier to walk. At the end was what looked like a Chalet but it was really decorated with flower petals and chocolates.

"Wow! What is this?" Y/N asked looking at the beautiful decor. It had a different set up to all the other chalets that they stayed in before.

This is where you'll can stay before we all leave back for Konoha tomorrow." Kitana said smiling. "We moved your things in with the help of Izumi and Genma. They gave us the idea."

"Thanks it's really beautiful..." The married couple said admiring it.

𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 (𝙼𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗! 𝙸𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚒 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now