Tip: Avoid Violence (Fail)

Start from the beginning

"You guys not know how to fight, eh? How'd you even take that guy down?"

4 down. 3 to go.

One came out of nowhere. He punched you in the gut making you stumble back. You shook your head with a gulp, "Yeah, that wasn't bad."

You twisted your body and raised up your leg and brought it down on him. "But that wasn't good either."

The next guy didn't even try, he just ran at you, screaming. You stepped out of his way and placed your leg in front of his, tripping him and making him fall on the ground face first. You scoffed, "Stop yelling as you try to fight. It's irritating."

7 down. 1 to go.

Asuh trembled as you turned to him, his eyes wide in fear.

You cocked your head to the side. "Why are you so scared? This isn't even a quarter of what that girl you assaulted must've felt."

You walked towards him, he stepped back each time you moved closer, eventually, he had nowhere left to go. He was backed up against the wall.

You pushed him against the wall, hands on his neck, just staring at him with cold eyes. "I pity your mother and sisters."

You punched him. and he fell onto the floor.

"Stop..." he cried. "I-I'm sorry."

"Oh shut up," You rolled your eyes. "I'm not gonna kill you. I didn't even really hurt your friends."

He held his cheek and cried, "I wom't do amythin likwe tis agai-"

You pressed two fingers against Asuh's neck, and his body went quiet. "You're irritating."

You looked around for the rest of the men, then realized that was the last of it. "Oh."

You rushed towards the girl.

You slowly bent down next to her, making sure not to startle her. She had her hands over her mouth as she shivered.

"Hey..." You said quietly, extending a hand towards her face, cupping her cheeks gently as she calmed down. "It's okay..they can't hurt you now. It'll-

She pulled you into a hug. She was trembling as she did, but by the way her unsteady breath evened out when you were there you knew she felt better. "Th-Thank you. So mu-much."

You let her hug you till she broke away. When you pulled away from her you said, "It's okay now. We'll get you out of here, okay? And your buddy." She nodded meekly. You helped her up on her feet, her legs shaking. "Do you feel okay?"

"I-I'll be fine," she rubbed her arms, "Just a few scratches. I need a bath."

A bath. But you nodded, then let go of her hands when you were sure she could stand steady.

She quickly went over to her injured friend. That's her boyfriend, you thought. Not her friend. They had matching soul mate bracelets.

That's cute, I wish I had someone like that...You slapped yourself on your cheeks. Snap out of it, for god's sake.

The guy was barely awake, obviously in pain. You worried if you could move. But then the girl slowly helped him up, letting him lean onto her. You hoped they could get out of here in time.

"You both should get out of here, hurry up." You kicked one of the guys you'd taken down, he was out cold. "I'll clean up this mess and be on my way."

The girl nodded again, the guy mumbled something.

"He says thank you, we both do. I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't helped us miss..."

"Y/n. Y/n Mitsuki. And don't, I did it cause I wanted to." You smiled at them.

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