The emerald eyed girl gave Fleur a reassuring smile before leading her down the corridor infront of the living room, pulling down the handle and letting herself it. Remus, Sirius and Reinmond all stopped their conversation as the girlfriends entered, Sirius' eyes widening in excitement as he bounced up to his feet.

"My dearest family you're attention please. This is Frenchy, Frenchy this is my family" Rosalind gestured them to one another with a smile, almost tripping as Sirius rushed past her.

"Well Bonjour Madame. You must be the one and Fleur we've heard all about" the man wasted no time pulling the blonde into a big hug, ignoring Fleurs outstretched hand as she was going for a handshake.

Fleurs eyes widened making Rosalind snort, her uncle was practically bouncing off the walls in excitement.

"Fleur this is my uncle Sirius, don't mind him he's a hugger" smiling at the man who had just let her go from his arms, she nodded politely and gave him a 'it's a pleasure to meet you' to which he had responded with a 'the pleasure is all mine' in French. She was very impressed at how Rosalind's family spoke her language so well.

"I'm Remus, Remus Lupin, not exactly Rosalind's family but I'm with her uncle" the cardigan clad man shook her hand politely with a gentle smile, him being very surprised as Fleur didnt scrunch her face up at his scars or show any distate to his roughed up hands. Fleur would never judge someone because of that, especially since her own girlfriend had scars of her own. She thought they made people more beautiful if anything.

"Its very nice to meet you Mr Lupin" Fleur had a feeling about him being a werewolf, Madame Maxime had them study hard to identify one when they came across them however it didn't bother her, she herself was seen as a creature and because of that she somewhat knew the prejudice for those who weren't 'normal' witches or wizards. It didn't bother her one bit, if Rosalind trusted him then she did too.

"Oh shut up being daft Rem, you are my family" Remus felt his heart warm at Rosalind's comment, placing a hand on her shoulder as he went to stand next to her. That's all Remus had ever wanted, a family and he was finally getting his back.

"And I'm Reinmond, Rosalind's older brother" as her gaze turned to him, she quickly recalled him from the picture she saw in Rosalind's Hogwarts bathroom. He looked very similar to her despite his thick blonde curly locks, he was dressed like her too, all in black with a leather jacket. Now that she thought about it, it seemed that the leather jacket ran in her girlfriends family, Sirius was wearing one aswell.

She could see bandages poking out of the top of his sleeve and felt somewhat pity for him, Dumbledore had said in his letter that past deatheaters were going to join the order and Rosalind had confirmed who they were, when talking about it she told Fleur that her brother had been the one to try and help that night on the final tournament which resulted in him leaving the deatheaters and trying to cut his dark mark off. Reinmonds cuts were healing but from how deep they were, it was taking a lot of time. The mark was still visible in a way, but his cuts did distract from the skull that was imprinted upon his skin.

"I've heard a lot about you, it's nice to finally meet you" Fleur shook his hand, catching Rosalind's beaming grin as the girl watched her lover interact with her family. She could see they already loved her, especially Sirius.

"Well come sit down then!" Fleur gasped as Sirius pulled her to sit down on the leather couch, instantly pulling her into a conversation about how her and Rosalind met, despite him already knowing. Remus rolled his eyes at his lover, 'don't be too over the top' Rosalind had said and had Sirius listened, absolutely not.

"Fleur this is kreature, kreature this is Fleur" Rosalind introduced her to the small house elf with a soft tone, the elf having just walked in only to stop in his tracks at the unknown guest in his masters house. Fleur saw the gentleness on Rosalind's face and bowed politely to the house elf, kreature being ever so shocked at the level of respect he was receiving. He tried to bite out a snarky comment, tried to throw an insult but knowing the blonde girl was a guest of Rosalind's he just couldn't, instead opting to bow back.

"Rosalind, be a dear and go and fetch us some coffee please" the other two men in the room could see a mischievous glint in Sirius' eyes and so did Rosalind but she did as told and sent a encouraging smile to her girlfriend before going to the kitchen, kreature on her tail quickly following her, slowly reaching up to grab her hand when he had to step over a fallen vase.

"So, Madame Delacour...let's get right down to the threatening chat I've been dying to say since she was born. Hurt my girl and I'll hurt you, m'kay" to emphasise his point, Sirius smiled with a crazed look in his eye however Fleur wasn't faced, Rosalind had pre-warned her that he would say exactly that.

"No need to worry Mr. Black, I would never hurt Rosalind. I'm..." the three men perked up as she trailed off, a evident blush littering her cheeks. Reinmond held back a grin, he knew what she was going to say but doubted they had said that to eachother yet.

"You're what my dear?" Sirius urged, leaning forwards in his seat to get her to tell him. Remus walked behind the couch and smacked him up the head with a scolding look, Rosalind would kill him if she walked in to him pressuring her feelings.

"Stop hitting me, you slobbering dog!" Rubbing his head, he turned to face the cardigan clad man with a glare, Remus only smirking back.

"I'm not quite sure I'm the dog here"

"I'm very much infatuated with her" Fleur managed to speak out, the men's attention snapping towards her, her cheeks burning a rosey hue with the imagine of Rosalind in her mind. She was more than infatuated with her, she had never felt like this for anyone.

"I can say the same for you Frenchy" they all jumped at Rosalind's appearance in the room, holding four mugs of coffee and one glass of water on a tray. Kreature behind her, grumbling about how that was his job.

Reinmond snorted at the look she sent their uncle.

"Sirius did you threaten my girlfriend?"

"Yes, yes I did. But look now she won't betray you because you have a psycho uncle!"


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