Galilean Conciliation

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Luca gaped as Alberto picked him up in a hug at the train station. Luca had gained several inches on Alberto, but months of fishing with Massimo had caused Alberto to fill out with muscles, and Luca flushed as Alberto shook him like a rag doll.

Luca laughed and hugged Alberto close as the other spun him around. Tears filled his eyes as he melted against his friend for the first time in three seasons.

"Alberto! Maybe let his family have a turn?" Giulia smirked, tucking herself up under her father's arm with a happy sigh. She was about as tall as Luca, but Luca knew it was only a matter of time before she was the tallest. Alberto flushed and laughed, setting Luca down gently. He gave Luca one gentle squeeze before pushing him towards his family with a shy chuckle.

"Sorry, Paguros, got carried away..."

"We forgive you, Alberto," Lorenzo chuckled and patted his shoulder as Daniela fussed over Luca, cupping his cheeks and kissing his face all over, telling him how big and strong he was getting.

Luca laughed and hugged his mom tight, kissing her cheeks happily.

"It's good to see you again, mom, I missed you so much," Luca smiled and put his hand on her cheek. "Look me in the eye. You know I love you, right?"

Daniela sighed and smiled, putting her hand on her son's. "I know. I missed you so much, Luca."

Luca leaned in and kissed her forehead with a smile before hugging his grandma tight and kissing her cheeks as well.

Alberto smiled wistfully, watching Luca greet his family. He felt an ache deep in his chest as Lorenzo took his turn embracing Luca. Tears started to well in his eyes until he felt a heavy hand on his shoulder. He looked up and smiled as Massimo smiled down at him.

"Dinner will be another hour or so, do you kids want to go play while I finish cooking?" Massimo raised a bushy brow, and Giulia smirked, climbing onto his back like a monkey and shook her head.

"The boys can go, I'd rather help you, papa!" Giulia sent a look to Luca, who flushed and smiled softly.

"If Giulia isn't coming, do you want to go swimming, Alberto?"

Alberto lit up and nodded, grabbing his hand and running for the beach. Giulia laughed as they jumped in and sighed.

"Okay, I'm not the only one picking up that they're in love with each other and don't realize it, right?"

Massimo just chuckled and rolled his eyes as Luca's grandma laughed.

"No, you're not the only one. They'll figure it out in their own time. You should have seen these two when they were young!" Grandma Paguro grinned and pointed to Daniela and Lorenzo.

"Mom!" Daniela laughed and pushed her arm away. Giulia just giggled and wrapped her arms around her dad's neck, kissing his cheek happily.


(Galileo's POV)

What is TAKING him so long?!

Alberto told me to stay here at the harbor until he got back. I aggressively protested for about ten minutes before I reluctantly agreed not to move from my spot. He promised he'd come back. Bored, I've been staring at the fountain, but anxiety controlled my pacing and whining.

I promised him that I'd always be there for him! Why is he making me break my own promise?!


I don't give a carp if less than five minutes passed since he left, I'm a nervous wreck. What if someone kidnapped him? What if he's being harassed by Ercole and I'm not by his side to drive him away? What if—?

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