Kane gets interrupted by mom "okay okay, calm down Kane. She's fine, we're having everything under control."

"Who was it tho? Tell me his name"

"It doesn't matter Kane. I'm fine-"

"So there is a guy. I knew it!"

"No no no. He's literally gay, but it seems like you don't even allow me to have any friends. I'll be upstairs... without any guy, all by my own. You don't have to worry about anything"

I hate this overprotective thing. But now I feel bad that I wasn't nice to him because he was only worried about me and even drove 3 hours.

I'm a total asshole, I should've remained calm and tell him that I'm fine now but my phones dying and it would've been fine.

"Okay I'm sorry, I overreacted" we both say at the same time. Then we look each other in the eyes and just start laughing, while he comes closer again to go in for a hug.

"I love you. I'm just doing all of this because of the past and I want you to be safe. I just worry about you, I'm sorry. I'll just wait for you to call me back next time okay?" he suggests.

"That sounds amazing. I wanted to call you but like I said my phone died." we both stop hugging each other and turn to mum, which just looks at us and humourlessly shakes her head and just says "you two" and leaves to go into the kitchen.

"So tell about this boy. I don't care if he's gay. I wanna know if he's nice and all that. What's his name?" Before he can ask any more questions I stop him with a little cough.

"Calm down. I met him like twice we're not friends or anything." I think about me possibly saying that I could ever present Kane friends of mine. The imagination alone gives me goosebumps.

Kane opens his mouth but before he can say something, the ring bells.

Mum runs to the door, like she's been expecting the visit for an eternity. I wonder who it is, since mom didn't tell me about a visitor, which she usually does because she's always super excited to host parties at home. She really is a sunshine, who is always super motivated and who romanticises life to the fullest. I wish I could have her mindset, seriously. She's always so happy, just like Alessia.

Im just going to start to be like that as well. I mean what's stopping me? Honestly, I think I'm the only person who's stopping me from happiness. I promise I'm working on it. I'm just mentally so tired that it just keeps me from doing something motivating. Are people gonna call me pathetic and embarrassing for that? For sure. But does that change anything? Probably not, except for the fact that I feel even worse about myself and my mental illness.

„It is so nice to finally meet you Mrs. Viotto. I've heard a lot about you and your work in the hospital! I hope we're not too early, we tried to not be too early but we were all too excited to wait. Is Callie here as well?" I hear a guy saying in the entrance hall. If I'm not wrong, the voice sounds a lot like Niall but that can't be right. I don't know any other one though, who'd ask for me with an Irish accent. Oh god, I really hope it's not any of the boys cause they're gonna be dead in the next hour if they ever come near Kane.

"Kaaaaane there's something I wanted to show you in the garden, would you mind coming with me for a sec?" I try to come up with an excuse to get him out of this situation without sounding suspicious or anything. I just really want to avoid this 'ohh so these are your new friends' conversation, when in reality they're not even my friends.

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