I heard a knock on door, we all looked at each other confused.

"Can you guys get that?" My mom shouted from the other room

"Sure?" We all said walking over to the door and swinging it open

That's when I saw her, Ellie. I stood in shock

"Ellie!" Annie yelled giving her a hug.

"Annie!" Ellie said hugging her back

"Ellie I missed you!" Hayley said giving her a hug.

"Hey hay hay! I missed you so much"
She said picking her up and spinning her around

She put Hayley down, looked at me and looked at me and laughed, she could obviously see I am in shock

"Bubba!" She said jumping in my arm and giving me a hug

I hugged her and walked over to the bed sitting on it with her legs still around my waist

"I missed you so much!" I said kissing her

"What-How?" I asked still in shock

She giggled and gave me another hug

"Thank our moms" she said looking into the other room looking at my mom

"Your welcome" mom shouted from the other room

We laughed and she got off my lap.

"You have no idea how Much I missed you
guys " Ellie said

"We missed you more!" Annie said

"I missed you the most tho" I said smirking

"Not true!" Annie said

"Ellie where's Harp?" Hayley said breaking the argument that was about to start

Just as she did, Harp came barging into the room.

"Did ya miss me?!" She said with her arms open wide

"Harp!" Hayley said running over to her and giving her a hug

"Hayley!" Harp said running over and hugging her

Then Louise came in the door.  "Hey guys!, who's ready for some dinner" she said

"Me!" We said raising our hands


*Ellies POV*

We are walking back to our hotel, me and Caleb waking hand in hand.

"Oh I'm so glad my two little love birds are back together" Katie said squeezing out cheeks

We laughed and walked back into the hotel room, my mom and Harper decided to go back to the room and get ready for bed.

"Mommy can Ellie stay the night in our room?" Annie asked

"Sure I'll text your mom and let her know, you can wear some of Annie's pyjamas if you want" Katie said smiling at me while editing

"Okay thanks" I said going into the bathroom to get changed

We all played Minecraft and watched tv for a while, and tomorrow I'm going along to vidcon with them. Hayley is going to stay with Harper and my mom because she didn't really feel up to coming.

I climbed into bed beside Caleb and cuddled into him.

"i still can't believe your here" he said

"Me neither, it feels like I haven't seen you in a month" I said laughing

"I love you so much" he said giving me a kiss

"I love you more" i said between kisses

"Impossible" he said cuddling into me

And we fell asleep, finally by each others side again.

Hope you Enjoyed
Let me know what you think!💜💜

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