"Sure there is"

"No, there isn't"

"Angel, you can't just run from it, it happened and you can't change that, so the sooner we talk, the better it will be"

"Don't call me that, especially when talking about this"

"I don't get why you're so adamant on ignoring this subject"

"What subject?" Elsa asks faking confusion.

"Seriously? That's what you're doing right now?"

"Doing what now?"

"Trying to 'forget' what happened"

"Did something happen?"

"The thing in the Ice castle"

"I don't know what you're talking about" Elsa continues to fake it.

"Oh? You don't?"


"Oh, how cool, that means I can enligthen you on what happened, and you wouldn't mind"


"So, I followed this Queen, who looked just like an angel up the mountains"

"No, sto-"

"She was so gorgeous and powerful, she created a whole castle for herself, I just had to get in there"


"So, once I made it inside, I climbed the enemy of all mankind, the stairs and found the Angel looking at me, I lost my ability to talk and acted like a doofus"


"Which caused the Queen to put me in an ice prison and punish me for following her, it was such a great time, I even asked her if I could clea-"

"Okay, fine, I get it, I remember, okay, stop," Elsa says red, from both irritation and embarrassment.

"Oh, so now you remember? It seems my story helped out after all"

"Ugh, what is your problem?" Elsa asks the maid annoyed.

"It's not my problem, Angel, it's our problem"

"Stop calling me that!" Elsa slightly raises her voice.

"Okay, I will, for now, but I will continue once we get married, in fact, the next time you hear me call you 'Angel' will be as we make our vows, that way two Angels will join together, a Scarlet and a snow one, it will be majestic"

"That will never happen"

"You don't know that"

"Yes, I do"

"What, do you also have future sight alongside your unexplainable abilities or something?"

"No, but it's my decision if something like that happens and I will tell you now, it will never happen"

"Never say never, Queen"

"Oh? Where is this confidence coming from that makes you think I will marry you?"

"I am not confident about that happening, I am confident that I can get you to accept me, thus leading us to marriage"

"What if I marry somebody else?"

"I don't see that happening," Diana says with conviction, making Elsa more annoyed.

"What, why? Are you telling me I can't find somebody to love?"

"No, you're perfect, you'll find somebody, someday"

"What if I just choose someone now and marry them?"

Reincarnated Ice Warmer (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now