Subconscious: *Squints her eyes shut*

My eyes are getting ready to jump out of their homey sockets. Well I don't blame them. If I could I would jump out too.

What the fuck? Tits? Seriously??
That doesn't makes any sense!

Damien blinked twice at me before doubling over on my bed in silent laugher. Thankgod!

He is so hot! No hot, yes hot.

He is rolling around my bed-the very same one in which I sleep drooling soundlessly-

Subconscious: "You're disgusting." *shudders*

"Are you sure sweety, you sound a little-" Dad starts but I cuts him off.

He's still here?

"Yes, dad I'm perfectly fine. I promise!" I replied back, before awkwardly gesturing through my hands at damien to leave.

He needs to leave. He can't just come in my room out of nowhere in the middle of the fucking night. Gosh! This guy is crazy!

He just shook his head no and smirked my way. Now keeping his arms tucked under his head as he was sprawled out in my bed, making the muscles on his bicep bulge out more. Do not drool!

I repeat, do not drool!

Subconscious: *drools shamelessly*

"Alright-eh-why is your room locked?" Dad asked, when he couldn't open my door.

See, I have no privacy-ugh!

"I-I'm changing my clothes dad." I say and glared up at damien to leave right now. But he only grins widely back at me before closing his eyes- shielding his beautiful amber color orbs from me.


"Alright-" Dad starts but stops when damien suddenly moans out loud! What the fuck!

My knees gave in.

I felt my breath leave my lungs.

My heart was about to pop out along side my eyes.

My organs were literally leaving me one-by-one to live my miserable life all alone.

Damien placed his hands over his abdomen and slides them down slowly, sexily. Making me do a double take at him. I gulped down hard. I couldn't take my ready-to-pop like popcorn eyes away from him.

Subconscious: "Free porn?"
*licks her lips*

He is literally on my bed, touching himself and moaning out loud while my dad is just outside the door-listening. Does he has a death wish or what?

"W-what was that sound, h-honey?" Dad awkwardly asks.

Kill me now!

I squint my eyes shut before opening them just to see damien smirking my way as he opens his mouth again-I'm sure to moan but before he could I sprinted his way. No, I'm going to kill him.

Forgetting about everything I jumped right on top of him and slammed my heavy hand hard down his mouth to effectively shut him up.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I hissed looking down at him.

He only winked back at me. Shameless!

Can't he just answer??

Subconscious: "You do have your heavy hand on top of his mouth so-"

Once Upon a Time In Year 2006Where stories live. Discover now