Chapter 2: Maka Wanted

Start from the beginning

Maka frowns slightly. For some reason Kid was acting serious. Strangely serious. Maka glances at Soul to see if he noticed too, Soul still looks at Kid with his eyes also serious. Maka looks between the two of them to ask about it but was quickly cut off by Kid.

"Hey Soul, can I talk to you for second?" Soul nods and stands up. He looks at Maka. "I'll be right back. Don't do anything stupid." He smirks slightly. "Hey!" Maka growls a little. Soul laughs and leaves the room with Kid.

Soul walks outside and looks at Kid. "What's going on?" Kid glances around. "The school is starting to go crazy." Soul raises an eyebrow as he puts his hands into his pockets and leans back against the wall. "What are you talking about?" Kid looks at Soul a little surprised. "You haven't heard or seen it?"

"" Kid pulls something out of his pocket and shoves it towards Soul quickly, still looking around like an alerted cat. Soul grabs the paper and looks down at it. His eyes widen slightly.

Wanted: Maka Albarn
Dead or Alive.
Reason: Classified.
Bounty: $500,000,000

Soul looks up at Kid. "You're joking right!?" He seethes. Kid shakes his head. "I'm certainly not. But whoever put this up could be...but if its a joke they're certainly playing a dirty game. They not only put up in DWMA but all over Death City, hell even my father is receiving calls from other States about this! My father is obviously rejecting all the questions about Maka, but half of the school is going crazy get her."

Soul looks back down at the Wanted Poster. "....So you're saying DWMA, Death City, and The States aren't safe for her?" Kid nods. "That's right. In fact the reason why Patty and Liz aren't with me is because they're taking care of all the students trying to get to Maka." Soul looks at the Wanted poster a little longer and then looks up at Kid. "Then I'm getting her out of DWMA and Nevada and The States. I'm gonna take her to another country. Where it's safe and then find out whoever this person is and take them down."

Kid nods. "Alright. But be careful, after all she's still recovering. I'll go tell my Father and see if he can help. Stay here and stay on guard. If someone manages to get by Patty and Liz and make it to the nurse's office take Maka and go straight for my Father's office! You hear me!?"

Soul nods. "Yeah yeah, you don't have to tell me twice. Now stop blabbering and get going!" Kid nods and runs off. Soul folds up the Wanted Poster and stuffs it into his pocket. He walks back inside the nurse's office. He walks to Maka's bed. "Hey." He says calmly and sits in the chair beside her.
Maka looks at Soul. "Is everything ok?" Soul nods. "Yeah, everything is fine. Liz is just complaining about makeup supplies and she's giving him a headache. So he just asked if he could borrow some money, that's all." Soul says and leans back in his chair.

"," Maka says as she looks at Soul, slightly suspicious. But she ignores it and looks back at the ceiling. ".....Did Crona turn back to normal?" Soul's face darkens when she mentions Crona. ".....Yeah."

Maka smiles. "That's good...." Soul glances at Maka, her bruises on her face look a lot better and some look like they're almost completely gone. He smiles slightly.

"....Hey Soul?"


"Can you take my pigtails out for me?"

Soul's face slightly blushes, but he nods. "Sure. After all if I'd refused that would be uncool," he smirks and walks to Maka. Maka smiles slightly, ".....yeah." Soul takes her pigtails out and puts the two pony tails on the small table next to her. "There." He smiles at her slightly and sits back down in his chair.

"....Thanks Soul." Maka says as she stares at the ceiling. Soul nods. "Anytime...."



After an awkward moment of silence Soul looks at Maka and could tell something is bothering her. Maybe she knows someone is after her.... Soul thinks. He takes a good look at Maka. .....No that can't be right....she would tell me if someone was after her...

After a longer moment of silence of Soul staring at her, she sighs. "You know, if you have something to say then say it." She says as she stares at the ceiling. Soul's face gets slightly red. "O-oh uh...I was wondering if, when you get better, maybe you wanna take a trip out of the country and take a small break?"

Maka looks at Soul with a confused face. He looks back at her not sure why she looks confused. "....Uh....what is it?" Maka grins, she then covers her mouth and stiffles a laugh, and then breaks out laughing hard. Soul's face gets red. "Wh-why are you laughing!? What's so funny!?" Maka continues to laugh. "Maka!!!!!" She keeps laughing. She wipes small tears out of her eyes and looks at him. "S-Sorry," she laughs, "its just...its just so unlike you to say something like that! Usually you would say something like 'let's go kick ass!' Or 'Let's get back on our job' once one of us is better!"

Soul, who's face is still red, grumbles, "yeah so? Why does it matter to you? And are you done laughing yet?" She nods as her laughing slowly calms down, but she's still left with a big grin on her face. Soul rolls his eyes. "Ok Ok, Kid suggested it alright? Now please wipe that stupid grin off your face..." He says in a normal tone and then mumbles. Maka's grin disappears. "Kid suggested it?" Soul nods. "Yeah."

"So that's what you guys were talking about," Maka says as she raises an eyebrow and looks at Soul. Aw crap.... Soul thought as he looks back at her. "Well....yeah.... He said that I should take you out of the country once you feel better for a little break..., since you worked hard at beating that kishin..." Soul says as he glances at the door.

" does sound nice...but if we do go blackstar, Tsubaki, Kid, Liz, and Patty should come too. Cause we all worked hard at beating that kishin!" Soul grins. "Good idea. Now get some sleep. You're still injured." She nods and rests her eyes.

And in seconds she falls into a deep, deep, sleep.

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