"Enzo," Bonnie answered. "I need advice. You guys wanna grab breakfast?"

"We are the last people you should be asking for relationship advice," Caroline scoffed. "My fiancé turned Miss Mystic Falls into a vampire just to spite me and her husband is currently withering away in a dungeon for ruining countless lives."

"In conclusion," Enola continued. "We are not going anywhere."

"Fine. Breakfast in bed it is." Bonnie hummed. A door slammed shut downstairs. "How do you guys like your eggs?"

"Are you really here right now?" Caroline questioned in disbelief.

"Damon?" Bonnie suddenly questioned.

"Damon is here too?" Enola sat up, eyes wide as she scrambled out of bed to check on her children who were asleep in the room next door.

"Get down here," Bonnie suddenly spoke anxiously. "Now."


Enola was crouched in front of Damon with a deep frown. After confirming that her children were still asleep, she rushed downstairs to find him in some sort of catatonic state. He was perched on the armchair, staring unblinkingly at the wall across from him. Not a single move was made when she poked his nose. She wasn't even sure if he was breathing. Though it wasn't like he needed to. Vampires needed very little.

"What do you think happened to him?" Bonnie inquired.

"I'm guessing Sybil happened," Caroline shrugged simply. "But the real question is what did she do to his brain this time?"

"There is only one way to find out," Enola announced, straightening her back. "We can take a quick peek inside his head, see what has got him so bent out of shape."

"If I agree, will you guys let me go back to sleep?" Caroline sighed, obviously uninterested in the inner workings of the mind that belonged to Damon Salvatore.

"If you agree, you can do whatever you please." Enola confirmed, giving Caroline a sweet smile that could melt the heart of their cruelest enemy.

Enola stood between Caroline and Bonnie with outstretched hands. They slid their hands into hers. If she really concentrated, she didn't need to touch her subject to be able to enter their mind. And so she did it with unbridled ease. However, she wasn't able to stay for long. She got a taste of anguish before she was forced out with a small gasp.

"What was that?" Bonnie questioned with wide eyes full of horror.

"It was just fire and pain," Caroline breathed out in shock.

"Then that must be what Damon is feeling," Enola concluded.

"Look," Bonnie gasped, pointing out the singular tear that rolled down Damon's cheek. "He is suffering."

Enola went to speak when a peculiar sound echoed off the walls of the Salvatore Boarding House. It was her enhanced hearing that picked up on it. The incessant humming that emitted from deep within the basement. A scowl immediately overcame her face as she stormed out of the room. She could hear the footfalls behind her but paid them no mind as she swung open the door to the lower level and began to make her way down them. The humming was a lot more clear now. It came from the cell at the end of the long hallway. She came to a stop just outside the door, peeking inside to find exactly who she expected to find chained to the far wall; Sybil.

"Well," Enola hummed sarcastically, pushing the heavy door open before strutting inside with Caroline and Bonnie close behind. "Looks like we have a rat in the cellar."

AURORA THE AWAKENED―niklaus mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now