“Too bad you didn't listen to it.”

A sneer spread across her face, as she thrusted her hand into his stomach. A red hot pain spread across his body, and for a moment he could not move.

When Cade managed to get his body to obey his commands to move, he looked down to see the cause of his pain. Blood oozed from the wound where the knife was still embedded in between his ribs. He doubled over in pain, clutching his stomach as tears formed in his eyes. His first instinct was to pull the blade out, but being educated he knew that would just make him bleed out faster. The knife was the only thing stemming the flow of blood. Finally, the pain became too overwhelming, and Cade could not stay upright and fell onto his back.

There was yelling from the alley, and for one glorious second he thought help had arrived. His hopes however were shattered when from the darkness emerged the boy and the two thugs. The boy slowly came towards them surveying the scene. His face became sour as he looked from Cade's face to the knife in his stomach.

“Hey no, fair babe, you said he was mine,” he cried sounding disappointed.

“Not to worry love,” chimed the girl with a smile, pulling out a second knife. She flipped the blade in her hand catching it by the edge.

“You get to finish him off,” she purred offering the boy the knife.

The young man's face stretched into a wicked smile, and he started to advance towards Cade.

“Christmas has come again this year,” jeered the boy raising the knife and standing over Cade.

He could not believe it, even though he had come to such a dangerous area it had never occurred to Cade that something bad could happen, especially his demise. He shouldn't have been there, at that moment he was supposed to be in that bar with his sister having a drink and celebrating another year lived.

All he could do was lay helpless as the boy knelt down with the knife held high over his head. The only thing Cade wanted in the world was to see his sister one last time, and tell her how sorry he was for messing up their good time. Sensing the end, Cade clamped his eyes shut and waited for the killing blow. However, it did not come. Instead, there was a large crash.

Opening his eyes, Cade looked over at the source of the disturbance.

A trash can lay spilled on the ground, and a glimmer a hope appeared for him.

“Take care of that, we don't want any witnesses,” barked the girl at the two thugs, scowling as she turned back to the boy.

Immediately obeying her orders, the two thugs lumbered to the spot where the can had fallen. As they drew close, there was a sound of movement and a tin can came rolling out of the shadows. For a second there was silence as the two watch the piece of garbage move towards them. Then from the darkness there was a deep low growl. It was at that moment that Cade's hopes were confirmed.

“Now you're going to get it,” he croaked a smile spreading across his face. It took less than a second for the thugs to do the smart thing and take off running back down the alley.

“You little chicken shits get back here; it's just some dog,” the girl screamed after them, stamping her foot.

The boy shrugged and turned back to Cade raising the knife once more. For a second he thought the boy was really going to do it, and he froze with fear. The girl seemed to be getting impatient; she kept looking over her shoulder at the shadows.

“Hurry up we don't have all ni....”

She never got to finish that sentence for a large dark shape emerged from the shadows at that instant.

Moving with incredible speed it knocked the girl aside as it shot towards the boy. He was knocked off his feet with one smack of the beast's arm. It was huge even on all fours and was at least four feet tall. The boy got to his feet and made a run for it, but did not get more than a few feet before the creature had gotten ahead of him. Blocking his path the beast got up on it's hind legs and was a towering eight and a half feet at least. Raising its hand, claws extended the beast slashed the boy across the chest.

Blood spattered the pavement as the boy was knocked to the ground by the impact. With a bone-chilling growl, the beast leaped on top of him and went right for the throat with it's massive jaws.

The girl screamed as she got up and grabbed the knife the boy had dropped, rushing forward and thrusting the blade into the beast's side. The beast roared, seeming more enraged than in pain. Turning to her it disarmed her with one swipe of its arm. As the girl looked at her empty palm, the beast struck, opening its jaws it latched onto her hand. The girl screamed as she pulled it away to discover three of her fingers were gone.

Shrieking in agony, the girl turned and ran. Getting low to the ground the beast looked as though it was about to give chase, but stopped when Cade coughed, blood spraying from his mouth. As the beast slowly approached him, Cade was not afraid in the slightest, for he knew he was saved. The creature bent down and sniffed his wound, whining as it did. Then it stood up on it's hind legs again and began to change. It slowly began to shrink; it's bulky body becoming slimmer and less muscular. When the transformation was over there before him stood a beautiful naked woman.

“Sister,” gasped Cade tears filling his eyes, a look of relief spreading across his face.

“You came for me.”

The woman knelt down next to him, tears in her eyes. She put her hand on his shoulder comfortingly.

“It’s going to be ok I'm here now; I'm going to get you to the hospital.”

The statement did not reassure Cade, as more blood slowly flowed from his wound.

“It’s too late; I have lost too much blood.”

Relaxing his body, Cade laid back on the ground. Everything was going dark; his body was shutting down; even his heart rate was slowing. Even though his vision was becoming unfocused, Cade could still see his sister's face fall. Then to his surprise she smiled, as she took his hand.

“Then I guess there's only one thing to do,” she croaked through her tears, wiping her eyes on her arm.

Smiling weakly Cade tried to look brave, but his eyes gave him away.

“I guess it's the only option,” grunted Cade, straining his face trying to fight back more tears.

“Will it hurt?”

“Only a little bit,” she said still smiling, but her strained face told Cade she was lying through her teeth.

His sister raised his wrist and brought it up to her face. His emotions getting the better of him; Cade whimpered softly, causing her to smile more.

“Shh, I'm going to make you all better,” she cooed gently, and then she stiffened.

Her whole body went rigid and started to change, taking that monstrous form once again. She looked him in the eyes; her wild ones showing nothing but love. Then she opened her jaws and bit into his wrist. The silence was broken by Cade crying out in pain.

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