Start from the beginning

"Hey, Hunter, wait a minute." I called to my partner. He halted and glanced over his shoulder, and I looked upon the young clone. At that time, Hunter had not acquired his skull face tattoo yet. His dark-brown hair curled right under his ears, and the lines in his cheeks, low-arched nose, and mouth had yet to emerge; the red bandana was still tightly secured around his head. I remembered what I looked like, too: My raven locks were woven into a braided updo, little wisps of curls framed my hairline in front of my grey bandana. I sported some light-grey armor pieces on my arms, legs, and torso. Hunter donned a similar set. My face was definitely younger, with pure, glowing skin, and light dimples.

"You finally pick up something?" Hunter smirked. "It's about time. I was beginning to get bored with all this recon matter."

"So quick with it." I laughed a genuine, hearty laugh that filled not only the air, but also my whole being. When's the last time I laughed like that... "Can't you enjoy an easy-going mission when we get them?"

"You know me, Fern." The clone approached me, and my conscious panicked. I don't remember this part! My chest tightened when he slung his arm around my shoulders and shook me playfully. "Ready for anything."

And that's when it happened...


One moment, he's smiling at me, causing my heart to flutter, and the next... He's knocked to the cold, soggy ground, a blaster wound in his abdomen...

"Hunter!" I screamed, and dropped down to his aid. Taking both sides of his face in my hands, I shook him. "Hunter, wake up! Stay with me!" More blaster fire zipped over my head, and I armed myself with my and Hunter's blasters. I spotted only three battle droids, most likely had been on patrol. Their obliviousness to cover allowed me to easily take them out.

"Hunter..." I refocused on my partner's condition. "Hunter, can you hear me?" Above my head, thunderclouds rolled through the sky and rain began pelting us like tiny icicles. I scanned my surroundings through the mist and spotted a hallowed tree. Dragging the injured clone from under his arms, I managed to prop him up against the damp wall and squeeze myself in by his side. It was by no means comfortable, but at least we could keep dry.

I awkwardly, but carefully, removed his chest plate and used my fingers to examine his wound along his ribcage. Pressing around the tender area, I realized it wasn't as concerning as I feared, just a graze that probably stung real bad. The adrenaline I had experienced, the panic that I would lose him, dissipated. Nearing dislocating my shoulder in attempt to retrieve the first aid from my pack, I fished out the gauze and bandages and patched him up. In the tedious task of reaching around his back to pass the wrap to his stomach, I heard his voice.

"Ouch..." he groaned.

"Hunter, thank the Force. How do you feel?"

"Like I got shot."

"Good analysis."

"Are you okay?"

"You're asking me?!" I shook my head in disbelief. "You never think about yourself. It's always everyone else's safety first with you."

"Are you?" His voice changed, urging me for a straight answer. My lips cracked into a smile, and I grabbed his chin in between my thumb and index finger, holding his worried attention. "I'm A-plus okay."

Hunter's large hand swallowed mine and lowered it to his sternum, his eyes never leaving mine. "Good."

"I'll admit I lost you for a moment." I sighed, not realizing how close our faces were growing. "You would've ditched me on this smelly bog planet that probably has a Separatist military base on it."

"I'd never do that." Hunter scoffed, his dark eyes softening. "You stuck with me in the long run."

"Sucks to be you." My mouth twisted sarcastically. Then, as if it was the normal course of our friendship, I shimmied myself down and planted my head right underneath his chin. My cheek pressed into his collarbone and our hands remained intertwined, resting on his chest near my lips. 

This was once normal... We had grown so close and so comfortable around each other, that it felt so natural...

I felt my dream self snuggling herself deeper into Hunter's body, careful not to touch his wound, and I remembered that feeling of being held by him. Warm, strong, safe, and natural... I had forgotten, after Lama Su informed me Hunter rejected me to join Clone Force 99, how much, how long I cried... Assuming I would never feel that warmth again nor experience the thrill of being by his side again.

And then... I woke up.



Fern's eyes fluttered open; her breath shortened briefly, as if her nostalgic dream startled her. Her right arm then stretched out in front as she arched her back.

"Have a nice nap?" a smokey voice hummed.

"Not bad. How about you?" Her mouth formed a satisfied line, propping her chin on the cot with her right hand.

"Heh, well, you know." Hunter's pushed his upper body up with his elbows, and that's when they both noticed they were holding hands. A pause occurred, and then the two clones snatched back their own hand.

"I-It's not what you think." Fern claimed, but if she was being honest with herself... 

Hunter stared at her flustered face and couldn't hold back an airy scoff. "Listen, Fern—"

"Is anyone there?" A familiar voice stuttered on the comm panel. "Does anyone copy?"

The two enhanced clones locked eyes, then gasped.


STEALTH and TRACK: BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now