"I'll be right there," she rushed into the phone. She dropped everything, turning away from Jake and the group building the sets. Her feet were acting out on instinct.

She needed to get to her mother.

She needed to be there for her mother.

All negative thoughts reached her mind, fogging her from any coherence she might've had before her talk with Jake. She went on overdrive. She wasn't sure how she crossed the stage in a second, but before she could jump out to head to the entrance, Ms. Stanford blocked her path.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Scarlet stopped, trying to sidestep to leave, but Ms. Stanford was having none of it. "I need to leave," she said.

Ms. Stanford crossed her arms in front of her chest. The stage fell silent as everyone realized the scene happening before them. "You are not going anywhere. You can't just run off whenever you feel like it. Skipping class was one thing, but leaving this meeting could jeopardize your chances at graduation."

Scarlet held her chin up, staring her teacher down. An unspoken argument clouded the auditorium, but she wanted no part of it. She turned around, jumped right out of the stage, startling a few actors, and ran past rows of velvet seats when Ms. Stanford yelled, "you will regret this!"

She didn't pay attention and pushed the auditorium front doors open, racing towards her car. She fumbled with her keys as she turned the ignition.

Her mother was more important than that stupid play ever was.

THE HOSPITAL LOOMED BEFORE her as she sprinted towards the entrance. When the sliding doors let her in, she recognized the woman sitting behind the front desk sifting through papers. She smiled at Scarlet in passing.

Scarlet didn't let the bright lights and cold air scare her further. It had been years of being in there, sometimes sleeping in as nurses and doctors tended to her mother. She had wandered all the halls of that hospital, trying to find a corner of hope wherever she could.

She passed by the wall of glass that divided her from the hospital garden. An elderly woman in a wheelchair sat on the other side, reaching for a flower petal as she sprinted past. Nurses and doctors nodded to her in greeting, some she recognized by name, others by her times investigating the hospital. When she found Olivia Ghate leaning against a desk, she slowed down.

Olivia was by far the best nurse that had been appointed to her mother. She showed the most compassion and empathy, and made sure that all of her mother's needs were met and more.

"Olivia," Scarlet let out. The nurse turned in her light gray scrubs, and realization hit her.

"Oh, honey, I'm glad you're here," she said. "Your mother was just transferred to this floor." Scarlet exhaled, glad that at least she was right in assuming of her whereabouts without having to go over to the ER.

"How is she? What happened?"

Olivia shook her head. "She has an infection. She's taking antibiotics now, but I'm glad she jumped into action quickly." She waved at her to follow down the halls.

Scarlet pushed open the heavy royal blue door to find her mother lying on her bed, switching through TV channels. Her skin was pale and sweaty. The bandana she usually wore was nowhere in sight. The hospital gown made her look twice as small in that hideous light blue gingham.

"Mom," she called. Her mother switched her gaze from the TV to her, and broke out into a meek smile. "What happened?"

"Infection," she muttered and shook her head as if it didn't matter anyway. "Did it cost you to get here?"

Scarlet blew a raspberry and sat down by her side. "Let's not even talk about it. How are you feeling? How did you notice?"

She hadn't even realized that Olivia had exited the room, giving them privacy.

"Stomach felt funny," her mother said. "Things progressively got worse, so I called an ambulance."

Scarlet took hold of her mother's hand, grounding herself in her touch. She was there. She was fine. She was okay.

"The doctor said it was E. Coli after they had labs done." Her mother pursed her lips. "Maybe I didn't wash the veggies right. They hooked me up to some antibiotics, so I should be good."

"Mom, you know infections can be dangerous," Scarlet said. "I should've been at home."

She reached a hand out to her cheek. Scarlet momentarily forgot that was where Elliot had touched her. She tried hard not to compare the feeling of her mother's gentle touch to Elliot's desperate one. So many touches all in the same day.

"Sweetheart, you worry too much," her mother said. "I'm fine. I'm being monitored. All is well."

She sighed, not wanting to be satisfied. Her mind conjured up all the different scenarios that could've played out. All of which guaranteed that she wouldn't have gotten an infection, but she knew she didn't have enough evidence to support that. It could've happened at any time, whether Scarlet was there or not.

"I just don't want anything to happen to you," Scarlet mumbled. Her mother scooted to the side. A sign she had grown well accustomed to. She curled up beside her mother, careful not to accidentally hurt her, and let her mother run her hands through her frizzy, auburn hair.

"Nothing will happen," her mother replied.

They stayed in each other's arms for a good while, listening to the other's breaths. Scarlet calmed down, cocooned in her mother's warmth. She was still clammy from her fever, but it looked like it had passed. Those were just the after effects.

"Should I be worried about an angry teacher's letter?" her mother asked after what seemed like forever. Scarlet broke in laughter against her mother's chest.

"Ms. Stanford is gonna kill me on Monday." Scarlet looked up at her mother. "But I don't really care. I needed to know you were okay."

Her mother chuckled. "Just like your father in every way. Too loyal and too selfless."

"But I'm selective about it."

"Yeah, okay," she said. Her fingers ran through her hair again. "Just don't let your tongue strike too hard on Monday, alright?"

 "Just don't let your tongue strike too hard on Monday, alright?"

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