You're my Alpha Mate? - Pt. 1

Start from the beginning

Jamie jumped up and slammed her hands on the table scaring everyone around her and even getting the attention of Nanny who seems surprised that her sweet Jamie would act in such a way "Now you listen here, you don't tell anyone at the new school about our family situation and you will act like you don't even know me, got it?" She asked in a dangerous tone but keeping it quiet enough so that no one else will hear, how sneaky of her.

I also stood up because I don't like her feeling powerful by towering over me "Wouldn't want it any other way" I told her in a calm tone. I then grabbed my keys and went to the front door towards my car. Yes, my car, I saved up a shit load to get it, but I did. It's not fancy just plain, old and blue, in fact it's worn out and run down, but it was my baby.

I don't care how Jamie was getting to school, but since she doesn't want to be seen with me then why ride in my car right?

I took off to school turning on the radio to my favorite station, Rocketeer by Far East Movement and Ryan Tedder was on.

The school's population was a mere 576 kids, this town wasn't that big to begin with so I wasn't expecting anything, this was after all the only school in town.


When I first set foot out the door I felt a presence hit me. Other wolves, I can feel about 3, but that was just within proximity. Great! A school with wolves, normally you would think 'what's the big deal' but it is, wolves are very territorial so me, another wolf who is not in their pack being here is like say 'I've come for your land'. Sure I haven't grown up with wolves, but I learn and study about them. After my first shift I was scared, but I researched anything and everything I could find.

My eyes started searching for the three presence I was feeling, hoping that they haven't detected me, but who was I kidding, if I, a lone wolf with no training or anything could detect them then it'd only be natural that they could me.

I didn't have to search any longer however when they approached me. I smelt 'wolf' all over them.

"What are you doing here?" a blonde male asked rudely. He was tall and lean, the expected of a wolf. His eyes were an Amber color, if he was in wolf form it'd be the same.

"Are you going to answer or just stand there drooling over him?" A brunette girl who was standing next to him growled.

I saw that her arm was linked to his.

'Ahh~ They must be mates' I thought to myself.

"Is she mute?" Another girl asked, she had fiery red hair and blue eyes, she was beautiful beyond imagine.

"I've never heard of a wolf being mute before..." The blonde haired guy said a little confused now.

I blushed.

"Sorry, I was in my own world for a moment" I told them embarrassed.

"So then who are you?" The guy asked again his eyes piercing into mine.

"My name is Aina, my family and I just moved here" I told them blatantly keeping eye contact.

"What pack do you run with?" He asked me taking on his rude tone again.

"I don't" I told him, they all looked surprised.

"You're a lone-wolf?" The brunette asked like she misheard me.

I nodded.

"But you can't be, you're a female" The red haired girl said skeptically.

"It doesn't matter, I am what I am" I told her as-a-matter-a-fact.

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