The benefit of the doubt

Start from the beginning

"So, just let me get this straight. You came asking for my help, because you think Mr Shaffer threatened you." She nodded. "And you're expecting me to actually help you, based on a feeling..."

"I told you, I wouldn't have come here if I had a choice. He's the only enemy I've made in a while that I'm actually scared of." I couldn't help rolling my eyes.

"And why is he the only one you're scared of? He's not the only supposed murderer who threatened you, if I got this right."

" 'Supposed'? No, but he's the only one who I think would actually do what he threatened to do." I glanced at my watch and stood up.

"Truth to be told, Ms Lindon, I don't think I can help you. I don't even think I want to. I just don't want to get involved in something like this based on one of your feelings. When you'll know who the threat was from, then give me a call." I had started to leave when she sighed deeply.

"My father was a cop. He got caught up in the middle of a drug dealing gone wrong and died when I was ten." I closed my eyes, trying not to anticipate what she was going to say next. "Mr Shaffer's victim had a five year old son. Now the little guy is gonna grow up without a father..."

"I can understand why you might take this case personally. I can even understand why you're willing to do whatever it takes to see him rot in jail." Cacy's eyes were bright and mean. "Is the threat you've told me about real?" Her jaw tensed.

"You already know the answer..." I nodded and turned my back to her again.

"I don't like being lied to, Ms Lindon."


The elevator's doors opened and I stepped out of it and into the parking lot still looking for the keys to my rental car. My purse was like a black hole, you see, so I was grateful to catch a glimpse of my key chain to the bottom of it.

"Excuse me, ma'am!" A voice said from next to me and I looked up at the man waiting by my side. "I'm sorry if I scared you, but I'm looking for a certain Julia Groves. Can you tell where to find her?" I looked around me incredulously. What were the odds for the only man sitting in the parking lot to be looking for me?

"Um... I'm Julia Groves." It had sounded more like a question than an answer and the man gave me a suspicious look.

"All right, ma'am! Can I see an ID?" I nodded without thinking twice.

"Sure! What's going on?" He took my identity card from me and scanned it carefully.

"Nothing's going on, ma'am. I just needed to make sure it was you. Now, if you could just sign here?" He extended a document and a pen to me and pointed at the place where I had to sign. I hesitantly took the pen from him.

"What's it for?" The tip of the pen was touching the paper, but I couldn't make myself sign it without a good enough reason.

"I'm just the delivery guy, ma'am. You'll have to see for yourself." I took the paper from him as well and looked for a name, a brand or anything that would've gave me a clue as to what to expect. My name was the only thing I could make out and even though I knew better than to sign a document before carefully reading it, I couldn't stop myself from signing the damn paper -probably because the curiosity had gotten the better of me.

The man smiled and nodded before taking the papers from me.

"Now, ma'am, if you just followed me..." Follow him where? We were in a damn underground parking lot. "Over there!" He said, pointing towards my parking space.

Oh. My. God!

"Where's my car?" I whispered, feeling my heart leaping into my throat.

"I took the freedom of returning it to the rental company. I can also return the keys there, if you want me to." A stranger had taken my rental car back to the rental company without my permision and now he was offering to return the keys there as well. Not to mention the fact that a brand new, red SUV was parked in my space.

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