Chapter 2: I Can't Catch A Break

Start from the beginning

"Come on. Let's cross that bridge when we come to it. As you all have my telepathy we can still communicate no matter how far away we all are, so they will have us all there in a blink of an eye if need be. I hate that we can't all go, she needs the protection. He's going to use this to his advantage, I just know it." 

"Yeah, way to fill me with confidence there. I already feel like something bad is going to happen. And it will be on Blake and Dravon, who already feel the pressure of it. I don't know what we're going to do. I get why she wants to do this, for the element of surprise, but why does she have to. Why can't we just go and attack and keep her out of it?" He snarls as we make our way to the front door and head to meet the others.

"Your guess is as good as mine. I think she wants to find as much information as possible and is hoping she can get it out of him and figure it all out." I speculate. He's about to say something when we're  interrupted by Keelan

"Guys. You better get here. Some of Tejus's conquests are parading around, talking about when they can next fuck him. She's this close to snapping. You need to tell everyone soon that she's your mate, because this is metal. You've slept with more people than Blake and me put together and we were the worst for it before Kylie. I don't think she can take much more of this."

"For fuck sake. I can't catch a break. And she's the one that doesn't want anyone to know yet" I'm really am starting to feel mentally and physically exhausted

"We all have the girls we slept with around, so it's inevitable she's going to bump into some of them. You just have more. Let's just get there. I think people are going to find out she's your mate whether either of you are ready for it or not. Maybe it will be the thing that keeps her here instead of going herself and pretending she doesn't know he's a filthy fucking liar that we all want to bury 6 feet under" Zander snarls getting angeyer at the mention of Declan. Well this is fucking great, just what we needed when she's already pissed at me. 

We hurry our way to the Arena and there's a crowd gathered around one part of the Arena. We make our way through the crowds and when we're at the front we see Kylie is fighting none other than that fucking bitch, Allison, that tried to jump me, making her feel the betrayal. And I thought my day couldn't get any worse. 

"Why is she fighting her?" I ask as Dravon comes over to us. I watch as Kylie kicks her arse which I do enjoy, but I can see she's lagging already. She needs to start taking care of herself. When Allison spots me, she smirks. 

"She got fed up with the remarks about you so just said 'Hey, fancy a sparring session with me' there were other words exchanged but the girl was up for it and here we are. She's kicking her arse sure, but she's really not thinking clearly right now and your girlfriend keeps getting shot's in.. shit!" Kylie's head snaps this way when Dravon calls Allison my girlfriend. She's shooting daggers at me and Dravon. Allison takes advantage of her distraction and strikes.

"Fuck Drav, you distracted her with your stupid snide comment." I snap. Kylie gets a blow to the face and I see the blood at the corner of her mouth. She blocks the next hit and kicks Allison in the stomach and she goes flying. I don't see what happens next as I'm distracted when I feel hands on my shoulders. I look to see 2 other girls I've slept with and realise I really am gonna be in the shit with her for this. The difference between mine and the guys sex partners is they are probably discreet so she won't know they've slept with them, but mine, well I've never cared before and they know me, Sam and Dean liked to share and rotate the girls. And didn't care about them discussing us as it brought more girls our way.

"Te, baby. We've been looking all over for you. Allison was telling us she came round for a fuck the other day but that you turned her down and kicked her out of the house telling her not to come near you again. We didn't believe her as she's always been your favourite. Before we could question her more, that girl asked her to spar. So is it true? If so is the position open, because we're more than happy to fill it, we know your needs. Sam and Dean said it's up to you when we were with them earlier. Oh and they were here about half an hour ago looking for you and wanted to know if you'd spoken to your princess as they were gagging to share or something. Whatever that means." They know exactly what they meant, they're just acting dense. Ah fuck my life, I had to go and jinx myself didn't I, of course my day could get worse and worse. I look to see Kylie staring at me and she's obviously using her gifts, because Allison is trying to hit her and getting pissed off that nothing is working.

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