Yeah I felt pathetic not Soha had feelings for Manik instead I felt pathetic for letting that thing upset me when all this time I was just trying to forget the boy but I seemed to be standing back to square one now. And here I was thinking I was getting over him now it felt like I was nowhere here it.

It was easier not to think about him when I was away from him but things became harder when he came back in my life. His existence became a constant reminder for me of the pain he gave me making me hate him even more but everytime I looked in his eyes I was reminded he was the same boy I loved at some point and may be I never stopped loving him. Yeah sure I hated him and would resent him for life but a tiny bit of my heart will always have a soft corner for him.

" I am tired now I gotta sleep." Soha yawned as her eyes dropped and she fell asleep.

I wanted to sleep too but my thoughts seemed to have other ideas as they kept bugging me. That was a problem with me, over thinking. I obviously know that's bad I shouldn't over think things cause at the end they will just give me stress but despite knowing that it was hard to stop. Easier said than done.

** pov over **

Nandini didn't even remember when she slept in somewhere mid of her messed up thoughts. As she had slept late at night for obvious reasons. She couldn't wake up early in the morning and ended up getting up late. Reluctantly she stretched and arms and rubbed her eyes. Vision still a bit blurry but when it cleared and her eyes fell on the table. There was a piece of paper.

Nandini opened it and found it to be the list of items Soha wanted her to buy for Manik's birthday. Nandini lazily dragged her body to the washroom. She had to get ready. After taking a cold shower she changed out of her night clothes and wore a yellow top and blue jeans. She grabbed the list and walked out of the room after stuffing it in her bag.

** manik's pov **

When I came out my room I found Nindani stepping out too. She gave me a node acknowledging me to which I just grinned widely. I was happy. After it was my birthday. I was so excited. And more than that I was eager to know if Nandini remembered that. I just waited, standing there doing nothing while she closed the door.

" Are going somewhere?" I heard that familiar voice. Nandini looked past me to look at the person. That Aryaman.

" Yeah out for shopping things for wedding." Nandini told him with a smile.

" Oh I can come with you besides I will be bored alone if you won't be here. " Aryaman winked at Nandini. That ugly duck dared to flirt with Nandini in front of me. He must not value his life.

" I can - - - " I was about to say I will come along too but Soha cut me off.

" Manik I need you here come. "Soha called out for me from a distance and I cursed my luck under my breath but went to her anyway. Too much for a happy day.

** pov over **

Nandini knew that Soha deliberately stopped Manik to keep his birthday preparation a secret. Soha mouthed a thank you and dragged Manik out. Nandini sighed having an uneasy feeling. She just felt upset. Though she was trying to smile but it came out fake.

" Let's go." Aryaman came back from his shared room with Manik after fetching car keys. Nandini gave him a short nod with a slight smile which she hoped looked real. Aryaman held her hand and both walked out of the house towards the car. Day was going to be long. Nandini just wished for it to go without drama. Oh she wished. But of course destiny had some other plans.

• • •

Finally I managed to dig some time and so here is the update guys. I hope you will enjoy it.

Well well well as you guys can see shit is about to go down soon. 😂😂

With every chapter we are coming closer to the end and beans will be spilled. Damn I am so excited to start 2nd book of this story. Hope you all are as excited to read it as I am to write it.

One more thing I wanna make new cover for this story so can you guys send me MANAN pics on my insta handle.

Insta : serien_blue

Insta :  serien_blue

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