An Unlikely Friend

Start from the beginning

You settled in next to Iben, watching as the group was growing larger around the goblet. Some Beauxbaton girls had arrived after you did, egging on one of them to cross the age line to the goblet.

"Have many people put their names in this morning?" you asked, watching as the girl stepped forward with a piece of parchment between her fingers. She reached up, and placed the parchment in the flames, which danced around the rim of the cup vibrant and iridescent shades of blue and green as her friends cheered for her.

"A few Durmstrang people have," Iben explained. "But not many Hogwarts people have."

"Which is weird, I think," Sophie added. "There's more of us than them. We should outnumber them."

A silence began to fall over the crowd as you watched a group of four Durmstrang students enter the hall. Their presence always seemed to cause a hushed stir amongst everyone in their vicinity as they displayed their almost military styled robes. They didn't seem phased by it at all - maybe, they were used to it. Some girls around the room began to chatter to each other, and you could see why - they were indeed striking, and all a rugged sort of handsome, with prominent, chiseled jawlines and bulkier builds than girls at Hogwarts were used to. One of the students at the back of the group made his way over to the goblet, and tossed a piece of parchment into the flames, and a few students around the room applauded him. He returned to the group, which then moved around the room, finding a space to stand and watch as more students moved in and out of the hall, which happened to be right next to Sophie. She looked to Iben, who seemed to share the same awestruck look as her.

"Have many others put their name in this morning?" the boy closest to Sophie asked her. He was easily a head taller than her, with soft blue eyes, freckled skin and floppy dark hair, not to mention the twang of a European accent on his deep, husky voice. Iben turned to you, and raised her eyebrow - he was definitely more handsome up close, you had to admit. And you swore you could feel the nervousness coming off Sophie's body from where you were standing.

"Uh," she began shakily. "Not that many. Some have. But not a lot."

"That would be right," the boy replied. "Most of our boys put theirs in last night. Did not want to put on a show for everyone, not like Isak here."

"Ah," Sophie replied, as the boy gestured to his friend who just put his name in. Iben looked as if she was about to start a fit of laughter. It was strange seeing Sophie so flustered. She was usually so unbothered by everything, and seemed so effortless in everything she did. But you felt as if you were seeing a whole nother side of her unfold before you.

"Let's pretend like we're having a conversation," Iben whispered to you, and she shifted her body so it wasn't so obvious you were both listening in.

"My name is Henrik," the boy said, and extended his right hand to her. "And what's your name?"

"Oh, um," she stuttered, reaching out for his hand and shaking it. "I'm Sophie."

"Nice to meet you, Sophie," Henrik said. You looked past Iben, and watched him smile at her.

"This is great," Iben whispered to you, laughing slightly, and you tried your best to compose yourself as well.

"Have you put your name in there?" you heard Henrik ask.

"Uh, no," Sophie said. "I'm not sure I will."

"Oh, not up for a little competition?" Henrick joked with a serious tone, but luckily Sophie seemed to find it funny as she laughed just a little too loud.

You began to drone out the conversation as you saw Hermione enter the hall with Harry and Ron, and waved them over to you. They were all curious as to who had put their names in, and Iben began to fill them in.

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