"We can find your Mom if you want." Aidan shrugged.

"She's probably not in Chicago." I sighed whilst running my fingers through my knotted hair.

"Worth a shot." Aidan shrugged once again.

"Who says I want to see her though? She abandoned me!" I sighed.

"She's your Mom, you love her even though you're mad. Love is stronger than hate, well some people believe it's the other way round but I love my brother even though he's a cold blooded murderer." 

"That's your choice, she stopped being my Mom the second she left me for some rich guy from Chicago, she left me with him."

"You three are still related though, well not your Mom and Dad they aren't related that would be weird but anyway you get what I mean."

"I had a brother, but he left when he was old enough plus he wasn't even my Dad's son, it was his step-son, I think my brother knew what he was capable of then took off to California. I guess my family is just scattered around the country."

"My brother is in jail for a mass murder in Delaware, my Dad left when I was born and my Mom died from a drug overdose, and my sister disappeared when she was four years old so my family are a bit of a mess." Aidan gently smiled at me, I felt horrible, he has it worse than me and he just wants to help me.

"I had no idea, here I am complaining about my Dad but your family is like.."

"Lottie doesn't even know about it, I thought she wouldn't love me like she did if she knew how messed up my family is."

"Well we could try to find your Dad if you want." I smiled.

"Trust me, he was a mess from what I know, he was worse than my Mom, drugs and I'm pretty sure he was in gang fights everynight. Him and my Mom were a perfect match but he didn't want kids so I guess I was the straw that broke the camel's back." My heart sunk, Aidan believes it was his fault, it was no ones fault but his Dad's.

"Hey is that it?" I squealed at our new house. It was a standard American home, it had two garage doors with a driveway leading out to the quiet road, the front door was welcomed with a large arched entrance with a beautiful front porch. The panes were a lightish grey with wide windows that looked on to the front lawn.

"It's beautiful Aidan!" I squealed before tackling Aidan into a bear hug.

"Let's unpack then." Aidan grinned at me before racing out to the front door with the keys, he unlocked the doors and I just smiled in awe at the beautiful home, it was the home I never had. I've lived in tiny houses hidden down in alleyways and I always thought they were amazing compared to the hostels I lived in but one day my Dad made enough money to buy a small house in a run down town of  Delaware and we lived there but that's where he got worse and that's when I left.

It took us hours to fully unpack all the boxes from the moving van what only arrived an half hour after we did but we had already unpacked the stuff we had brought with us in the car, my room was painted black with all my posters scattered around the room, my CD's, Vinyls and Cassettes were piled up or stacked on shelves. My clothes were hung in my closet in an neat order.

I ran down the hall to Aidan's room where his walls were painted a navy blue and had various rap posters posted around his room, his king sized bed was made for once and he was currently blasting some rap song I didn't know the name of.

"Do you like Eminem?" Aidan asked whilst he hung up some clothes in his closet.

"I guess they taste alright?" I furrowed my eyebrows as I didn't know what he was talking about.

"No! The rapper!" Aidan burst out laughing at me lack of knowledge on rappers.

"Uh I haven't heard of him?" I trailed off, feeling awkward about my stupidity.

"The year is 2001 and you don't know who Eminem is?" Aidan looked actually shocked. The song was rapping about something along the lines of standing up.

"This is horrible Aidan!" I shouted over the music holding my hands over my ears.

"That's just your opinion Dee! We all have different tastes, to me this is genius but to you this is shit but your music about being a Minority or some shit is horrible to me!" Aidan laughed whilst turning the music down.

"Hey Dee?" 

"Yes?" I shouted back.

"Should I start calling you Elisa yet?" Aidan shrugged.

"I guess so, but it'll be weird but we have to get used to it. Hey when do I start work?"

"Monday I think, it's at a coffee shop near the house." Aidan smiled before leaving to put his stuff in the bathroom.

I don't think I can ever get used to this, I mean is this going to be last stop for me or am I just going to have to keep on moving?

I guess after all I've been through and all I've seen my life is just one big surprise and I guess you could say I'll forever be proud of my scars.

A/N: Okay so I know that was the shittiest last chapter of last chapters but the prologue is the grand finale I guess you could say and once this is finished and I can start on Heal and put all my attention to that.

Scars || Frank IeroWhere stories live. Discover now