I shoved the last piece of samosa into my throat, ran to wash my hands and found Rey and Manju talking with smile on their faces.

Hmm..Interesting, Aarthav should be worried about this.

We all walked to the class together, lucky us because in our class girls and boys sit separately, looking at them I would've been left alone for sure.

Me and Manju sat by the door on my request.

"I heard you fell, is that why there is a construction crew here, fixing the cracks on the road made by you." That stupid Ape asked me coming into the class along with Devansh who punched that ape in the ribs making him yelp in pain.

"Who allowed you in this class? Does your brain not work, or are you just dumb like that?" Manju came to my rescue before I could shut him up.

"My brain can't seem to work when I am around you. Doctor told me that's a symptom of love." Aarthav openly flirted with her making my jaw drop to the floor.

This is really happening, he is flirting.

"That's a symptom of being dumb, looks like your doctor is just like you. DUMB" She snorted at him before he could reply our new Management teacher walked in, so Devansh and Aarthav left us.

The teacher came in and started to introduce herself and the course.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked Manju hoping to talk about her and Aarthav.

He clearly told, he is in love with her. I can tell that she has feelings for him because I never saw her like that in the last 2 years. Why is she backing out or refusing what she has with him?

"What is with you and Aarthav? You act like you don't like him but the way you talk to him. It's so clear, even when you are trying to hate him, you like him. Why are doing this to yourself and him? " I asked her even though she didn't reply to my earlier question.

She looked at me with a vulnerable look and opened her mouth after a few seconds.

"All my life, I hated men like him, men who takes girls for granted, don't value their opinions. But in the end I fell in love with the kind I hate Janu. Loving him makes me feel like I am losing a part of myself." She said with tears in her eyes.

Her crying automatically made me wanna cry and I really don't know why.

"He is not that kind of person anymore Manju, he stopped all his flirty ways. I can say that he is really into you for changing his old ways. You are hurting yourself Manju, just give him a try and then decide."

"Girls, keep quiet." The teacher sushed at us stopping my conversation with Manju making the whole class stare at us for a few seconds.

This was supposed to be a happy and fun class with Devansh and me, but this same class feels like a burden to me with Manju feeling sad because of Aarthav. I just hope the lab with Dev after lunch makes all this go away.

For the first time in my life I listened to the class, and it was interesting to me, may be business is my thing. As the class ended another horrendous class about microelectronics started, and the teacher killed my mood by talking about transistors, semiconductors and what not.

I went to lunch and had a one on one with Manju,convinced her to act upon her heart for once and give Aarthav a chance.

Why are we setting up our best friend of life with that Ape, when he is nothing but mean to us?

Because Manju and him love each other, what does that have to do with me.

Aren't you nice?

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