Taihou brushed her chest up against him, "Your praise is what motivates me." She giggled.

Earl arrived minutes later with Kumano and let out a big smile revealing his diamond gold grill over his front teeth, "What up what up? You ready to sortie today, Miller?"

Dante sighed as he put his data cartridge into his F-16's slot, "Earl what's the deal with the Grillz? Are you trying to be like a Japanese Paul Wall?"

Earl presented his friend with both middle fingers, "First...fuck you...second, it's my lucky Grillz. I wear this when shit gets real and it looks like it's gonna get real."

"Let me guess...that 2008 BMW M3 you bought with 100,000 miles on it...you got it for the low interest rate of 25%" Dante sighed.

Earl scoffed, climbing into the cockpit of his F-16, "Oh please, I remember the day we met. You and that '70s preacher drip and that old ass Cadillac."

"The Cadillac my Grandpa gave me before he died." Dante corrected, "Also don't be jelly because it's a '65 Convertible and I had to drive your ass around because your BMW decided to blow its rod bearings."

Kumano couldn't help but laugh at Earl's expense. The two men were not only best friends but they were perfectly in sync when it came to fighting together and simply just messing with one another for fun.


The F-16s had topped off at the tankers and continued their flight to the mission area. To pass the time, Dante put some music to play on the radio frequency. With the newly launched satellites, navigation was much easier although updates were somewhat slower compared to the modern GPS from their old world.

Dante had the autopilot engaged and his oxygen mask off as he and Earl cruised at an altitude of thirty-five thousand feet, "Status check, Panther 2."

"Vibing." Earl chuckled, "And bored. By the way don't change that song, I love Money Trees." He stretched his arms against the top of the canopy before cracking his knuckles and neck.

"Yeah, yeah. Just be sure to pay attention, We're going to be backing up some Sakuran ships against the separatists and they do not like it when mistakes are made." Dante said with a very serious tone.

Earl scoffed, looking over at his friend's F-16, "Relax, relax..."

Within the next thirty minutes, the two had arrived at the mission area. To cross the same distance in a piston-engined aircraft would've taken twice as long. Earl radioed the shipgirls below and informed them that he and Dante were both standing by for tasking with six GBU-12s each. Yamashiro and Fusou looked up and watched as the F-16s flew by at over four hundred knots.

"The snakes! They're here!" Yamashiro cheered.

"Ara...those things are stupid loud!" Nachi complained, "Anyway, Shimakaze-chan use that digital camera thing and point it at the targets before those mass-produced Kongou-class ships blow us to pieces!"

Dante turned on his SNIPER pod and switched his right Multi-function display to his feed. He could see the friendly shipgirls with their strobes and the mass-produced Kongou-class battleship ten miles ahead. After receiving Shimakaze's designation, he released two Paveways and the bombs glided towards their target. The first penetrated the ship's superstructure and the second, the rear turret causing a spectacular explosion all while the F-16s remained immune to anti-aircraft fire.

"That hit was one in a million, milord!" Fusou said.

Dante watched his SNIPER pod's feed and spotted a group of suicide boats headed towards the shipgirls at maximum speed. He designated the first target for Earl and he released a single Paveway.

"Panther two, I don't like these guys..." Dante said.

Takao could hear what the boys were planning and immediately interfered, "You idiots! Your bombs will hit Fusou-san! Are you truly with us or against us!?" She protested.

Earl ignored Takao's complaining and watched the image from his targeting pod, "I have a great way to show how much I dislike 'em." Earl released a single paveway, following the laser from the SNIPER pod of Dante's Viper. The laser guided bomb made its course corrections as the boat aimed directly for Fusou.

Takao's eyes widened as she watched the five-hundred-pound bomb impact the enemy boat within danger close range of Fusou while leaving her comrade completely unscathed.

"Three words: Precision Guided Munition. You should read about 'em sometime." Earl said.

After wiping out half of the mass produced fleet, the boys were out of bombs and the shipgirls still needed air support

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After wiping out half of the mass produced fleet, the boys were out of bombs and the shipgirls still needed air support. With more suicide boats arriving on the horizon, they decided to request relief from the aircraft carriers and return to base.

"Roger that Panther One...Taihou and Kumano are currently in the area but be advised that it'll take at least one hour for them to arrive."

"Shitballs." Earl sighed, "Miller you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Switch to guns and strafe those PT boats until we're outta 20mm?" He asked.

"Fucking bingo." Earl nodded.

Earl put Ladies And Gentlemen to play by Saliva and switched to guns. He began his strafing run with Dante following him in by two miles. They each managed to take out a suicide boat with the 20mm. Atago covered her ears to try and drown out the sound of the 20mm cannons as well as the loud roar of the General Electric turbofan engines. The boys continued the attack runs in order to assist the shipgirls in fending off their attackers until they expended the five-hundred and eleven round drums their Vipers carried. By that time relief had arrived and they were able to return to base.

Taihou and Kumano watched as the two F-16s flew by at low altitude, both fighters performing a barrel roll as they passed the shipgirls.

"You can't stop him He's the Juggernaut! You can't stop this motherfucker!" Earl sang.

Kumano giggled, shaking her head, "Show off.." She said, "But that's what I like about you, Earl."

"Holy shit balls!" Suzuya added as the F-16s flew over after completing their attack run.

Taihou waved to Dante not caring that he couldn't see her as both she and Kumano continued their journey to assist their friends. When the boys arrived back at the base, they were greeted by Commander Rose who had informed them of the operation. The enemy forces were retreating and this was the first major step in defeating what she felt was an attempt to keep the war going rather than accept the future and attempt to create a better tomorrow for future generations.

"So what're ya gonna do when we make it back to base, Miller?" Earl asked.

"I don't know...meet up with Taihou, put some Barry White on the radio and just relax in front of the fire...or sleep for a year." Dante joked.

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