"Can we go back to the palace, please? I promised Dream something." Y/N asked politely, and Sam nodded.
"Of course, princess. Follow me," He turned, making himself be beside her and started walking in the direction of the castle.

She followed obediently, pointing at the new stores in town and ranting about how good they look. Sam did the same with the shops he usually goes to, things like redstone and building supplies inside the windows on display to show what those stores specialise in. "That one is where I got my first small redstone kit when I was about 10, learned how to do it in a day and went back for another one," Sam explained, eyeing a person walking a little too close. Waiting for him to walk that little bit away before continuing. "That's how I got so into the craft of it,"

"That actually seems pretty cool. What do you do with it,-" in the future, you built a huge prison with walking platforms that move "-I've always wondered how you are with redstone." Y/N said instead, she couldn't see the others face from the visor covering it. But she could still sense the excitement of talking about it.

And he went on. Saying the little things he tried in the beginning, to his now bigger contraptions that took months to just get the basics. Let alone the rest of the seem able complicated mechanics of redstone as a whole. Sam exclaimed with a smile about one, that one was with how he made a kid a small working car. And he recently saw that same child as a teen still driving it up the street in all its glory.

Y/N was going to reply with something sweet, but a light tug on her clothes made her stop and turn to see how did it. Sam looked confused, nobody was there. Except for a small kid who looked distraught.

"Hey buddy, are you okay?" Y/N asked crouching down slightly for the kid, who was near to tears. Sam stood around, looking for the kids' parents. "Where's your parent's sweetie? How old are you?"

The child looked no younger than 7 but no older than 10, too young to be out by themselves in such a busy area in town. They wore comfortably fitted clothes that were brown with some pockets of colour and a black hat with yellow stripes. Their hands were submerged by their sleeves, the jacket with orange, yellow, blue and white stripes as well. The kid's hair was ginger, nearly a red sort of colour with a white strip going from their scalp to the left side of their messy hair.

"I- I can't find them," Their squeaky tear ridden voice croaked and with a wipe of their eyes from their sleeves. She realised they had already started crying. "A-And 5 yesterday miss."

"Hey, it's okay. We will go find them, ok?" She reassured, "What's your name?"

"F-Fundy." The child spoke, a little hiccup in their talking. Y/N widened her eyes. Fundy?

"My name is Y/N, its nice to meet you Fundy. Uh," She straightened back out, looking at Sam as he continued to try his hardest to see any resembling people that matched the kids' features. Or any adults who are running around with panicked looks that scream 'omg I just lost my kid.'

"Can you hold my hand, please?" The girl asked, turning back to the kid who stood obediently. Looking back up at her before pressing their smaller hand into hers with a smile. "We are just going to go over to the side so we aren't in peoples way,"

Y/N walked slowly with Fundy who had to stretch his arm out just to hold on to hers. And once they were at the side, Y/N helped him onto the bench and sat next to him. "Okay, do you know your parents' names?"

"Um. Mommy and Daddy." They answered like it was a good answer, with a little kick of their feet.

"Maybe we should take him to the palace-" Sam said before Fundy shook their head.

"Daddy said I am not allowed near the palace," Fundy commented, "He says that people are there that shouldn't know about me."

"What do you mean?" Y/N asked, confused on why they couldn't in the first place.

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